Let me step in and try to help you new guys and gals, which have just arrived in using the IL2-1946+mods..
For those having problems with the trucks... pay attention to this tip.
In your technics.ini (which is used for STATIONARY vehicles - that means "moving vehicles") all
file names on it must end with the name "
.him " .
MeshSummer 3do/Cars/OpelBlitz36S/summer/live.him
MeshSummerDamage 3do/Cars/OpelBlitz36S/summer/dead.him
The words "live.him" means it is a complete live model, and the "dead.him" means it is a destroyed or dead vehicle.
In the folder which contains the files to this vehicle you should have the files and skins which corresponds to
both of these vehicle types, the live version and the dead version. If it is missing one of them, then it will
not show in the game.
For example, some vehicles do not have a "dead" version created for them yet, only
the live version. Do not worry, me and some of our friends are going through ALL the vehicles and we are
trying as fast as we can to fix this problem for everyone's game , by giving those models a proper dead/destroyed version.
If in the technics file you see the words " . sim " at the end - like this ---> MeshSummer 3do/Cars/OpelBlitz36S/summer/live.sim
that means it will not work as a moving vehicle, AND it should NOT be written on the technics.ini file.
It should NOT BE in the tehcnics file, but in the STATIC.ini file.
(NOTE = Some vehicles may have at the end of its entry name a "dead.sim" in the Technics.ini, but this
is ok to be
written in the technics, because it is a "dead" and not moving vehicle)
The word ". sim" means that the vehicle version is a STATIC 3d-model and will not move, as in the example of houses, bridges,
and some vehicles which are only used for creating static scenes on your maps.
keep in mind....
STATIONARY (moving vehicle models) = . him .... to be written in your "technics.ini file"
STATIC (not moving models) = .sim .... to be written in your " static.ini" file.
If you ask, where are those files I am talking about?
They are inside your game following this path...
\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\#SAS\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects <------- inside this folder are those files which have written lines on it.
You can open these files and look into them (and write into them) using your Windows NOTEPAD.
I suggest to keep in a safe place OUTSIDE of your game files - a folder which have a COPY of AL of these files.
Just in case you write a mistake on them and your game does not start properly.
This way, you will always have the original files SAVED and can revert back to where you started with.
Now the other question...
looking inside your Log file.
This is a file which will show you what is being loaded when the game starts or when you start
a flying mission. If your game CRASHES and you do not know why... you can open this file and look at the
bottom of it and see what is written in the lines. The last few lines on it will reveal to you what is causing the
game to crash. It could be a missing object part or some mod which is not compatible in your game and many
other reasons.
This way you can break down the "guessing work" as to what is causing the problems in your game. No one
can tell you right away what it causing the problem, but with the LOG file you can check to see exactly where
the problem came from and try to fix this problem.
More details about it here --->
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,13457.0.htmlYou can check and see the LOG file by opening it with your Windows NOTEPAD.