OpenGL is good.
OpenGL is not that good if you have an ATI Radeon....
I tested DirectX instead and now the wheels shows up ok, so it's probably the bad ATI driver that can't handle the wheels for some reason. I've tested all available drivers for my video card and only found 2 that works well with IL-2 1946.
The driver I'm using now is 11.5.
Is there anything else I can try that might help?
I can't see anything wrong in technics.ini:
Description Opel Blitz 36S
Icon Car
// Models
MeshSummer 3do/Cars/OpelBlitz36S/summer/live.him
MeshSummerDamage 3do/Cars/OpelBlitz36S/summer/dead.sim
MeshWinter 3do/Cars/OpelBlitz36S/winter/live.him
MeshWinterDamage 3do/Cars/OpelBlitz36S/winter/dead.sim
MeshDesert 3do/Cars/OpelBlitz36S/desert/live.him
MeshDesertDamage 3do/Cars/OpelBlitz36S/desert/dead.sim
// Panzer
PanzerType Car
PanzerSubtype 3
PanzerBodyFront 0.005
// Moving
SoundMove models.Car
SpeedAverage 22.0
SpeedMax 30.0
SpeedBack 5.0
RotSpeedMax 60.0 // ??
RotInvisAng 65.0
BestSpace 100.0 //13.0
AfterCollisionDist 6.1
CommandInterval 1.6
StayInterval 1.5
Soldiers 2