To install this ship mod, you will need to edit ini files with Notepad
1) copy the !00_ShipAsheUSS folder in your #WAW3 folder
2) go to the #WAW3\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects subfolder
it contains the chief.ini, stationary.ini, ships.ini files
make a copy/rename of each file to make a backup , in the case of an issue or a game CTD you will be able to return to their previous state.
Copy/paste the text entries for each file. Note that in the chief.ini file you have to copy/paste the first set of lines (chief1) in the upper area of the file (check similar lines for other ships) and the 2nd set(chief2) in
the bottom area of the chief.ini file (again look for similar ship entries). Notepad Shortcuts like Ctrl F (to find a text) Ctrl C (copy); Ctrl V (paste) are useful for that.
The ships.ini text entries are to be copied at the bottom of the file except the "gun section" which is at the top of the file. (check if it is not yet in your ships.inin file)
3) go to #WAW3\STD\i18n subfolder
it contains the technics.properties file, again make a backup and edit/copy/paste text entries from the readme.txt (install notes) to the technics.at the bottom of the ships area (look for a ship like Cargo03.to find the area)
Save your edited ini files. You should be able to place/see the new ships in the FMB. If you cannot save the mission in the FMB, check the size of the .tga files in the mod 3do/ship_name/... subfolder. Some ships require to have the High resolution DLL installed, or backup/downsize thre biggest tga files and restart the game , FMB...
I hope this will help