Here is some more.
This is the 2nd leg of sunday's "serious" flightsim session (1st UK Solo Cross Country flight):
EGKB Biggin Hill -> EGKA Shoreham
Task for this leg: "Continue South towards the coast from Biggin Hill, avoiding Gatwick airspace towards Shoreham."
Flight Plan for the 2nd leg EGKB - EGKA
EGKA VFR Chart (C) Jeppesen
Leaving Biggin Hill in a right hand climb turn towards Kenley. Steep climb to 2400ft recommended, to stay safe from Gliders soaring around Kenley while at the same time keeping London TMA (2500ft) in mind...
Turning in for Shoreham traffic pattern after having crossed the airfield.
Landing right before sunset. Glidepath is fine again, little proud of myself
PAPI acks again