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Author Topic: ALPHA TEST - WW1 units added to game  (Read 12237 times)

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Re: WIP : WW1 units added to game
« Reply #48 on: August 03, 2022, 03:15:16 PM »

Well in Romania's case, there were no full French units deployed here. The French aviators were all integrated into the Romanian Air Corps, but it's your choice on whether or not you'll add them. Regarding more pilot names, here you go https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/List%C4%83_de_pilo%C8%9Bi_ai_avia%C8%9Biei_militare_rom%C3%A2ne_de_la_%C3%AEnceputuri_p%C3%A2n%C4%83_la_sf%C3%A2r%C8%99itul_Primului_R%C4%83zboi_Mondial (this lists pilots and observers regardless of whether or not they scored a victory or not, just check so you won't add duplicates)

Regarding the photos, should I send them together with the name of the airman shown in the photo?


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Re: WIP : WW1 units added to game
« Reply #49 on: August 04, 2022, 09:50:05 AM »

Ok....I thought that French Squadrons could have been deployed in Romania like in Italy...as an organic entity and not splitted among local units....maybe I could add some French names but this way , as the game select them randomly in the rooster I think that could happen that a French could be in command of a Romanian units....did you know if this foreign command position could has been a real situation?

About portraits....sadly the game have a pool of 32 images that asspciate with the random selected names....so matching images with the real name is anyway impossible....

I asked about 40 portraits because I need a few of margin of choice to realize an omogenous selection of poses....when I'll release my work you could take a look at how I have organized the portarits to seem all similar between them....

Now I'm levining for holiday....see us again in second half of september....



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Re: WIP : WW1 units added to game
« Reply #50 on: August 04, 2022, 11:40:01 AM »

as the game select them randomly in the rooster I think that could happen that a French could be in command of a Romanian units....did you know if this foreign command position could has been a real situation?

As you can see from the structure in the wikipedia article, from 1917 on, French officers commanded some Romanian squadrons. The three Groups were all commanded by Romanian officers.

I asked about 40 portraits because I need a few of margin of choice to realize an omogenous selection of poses....when I'll release my work you could take a look at how I have organized the portarits to seem all similar between them....

Alright, I have about 50 portraits ready, if 32 images is the max then I'll pick the best ones and send them to you in private.

See ya after the holidays!


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Re: WIP : WW1 units added to game
« Reply #51 on: October 05, 2022, 09:46:46 AM »


I'm not dead!


Still working on....I'm a bit late due my stubborn search for historical aces names....there are hundered of them....

Plan to finish main part (the nations for DGen) at the end of the year....than start with the others....


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Re: WIP : WW1 units added to game
« Reply #52 on: December 25, 2022, 01:41:40 AM »


All nations related to DGen are ready....now I'm making the files for the minor nations: those that had a small airforce [Bulgaria (Done) , Romania (planned) , Serbia (wip) and Greece (wip)] and for them I'll try to collect information to add all files to build missions or static campaigns (because I have no source about pilot profile)....

I can release a beta in the next few days....just to start the New Year in and old DOF sky....

Anyone that is volunteer for tester please send me a pm....


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Re: WIP : WW1 units added to game
« Reply #53 on: January 03, 2023, 04:56:14 AM »

Great work so far!

Was wondering if you were adding minor nations, could you add the Romanian Air Corps units as well?

Today I'll start to build Romanian units....


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Re: WIP : WW1 units added to game
« Reply #54 on: January 03, 2023, 08:33:37 AM »

ATM I have done this:

Code: [Select]

RO                 Unknown Romanian Unit
RO_00              Escadrila Provizoria
RO_01              Escadrila Independenta

RO_1916            --- 1916 ----

RO_ESCBUC          Escadrila 'Bucuresti'
RO_ESCALE          Escadrila 'Alexandria'
RO_ESCBUD          Escadrila 'Budesti'

RO_ESC1            Escadrila 1 Grupul 1
RO_ESC2            Escadrila 2 Grupul 1
RO_ESC3            Escadrila 1 Grupul 2
RO_ESC4            Escadrila 1 Grupul 3
RO_ESC5            Escadrila 2 Grupul 3
RO_ESC6            Escadrila 3 Grupul 3
RO_ESC7            Escadrila 1 Grupul 4

RO_GRE1            Grupul 1 Escadrilie
RO_GRE2            Grupul 2 Escadrilie
RO_GRE3            Grupul 3 Escadrilie
RO_GRE4            Grupul 4 Escadrilie

RO_1917            --- 1917/1919 ----

RO_ESC1N           Escadrila N.1
RO_ESC2F           Escadrila F.2
RO_ESC2S           Escadrila S.2
RO_ESC2B           Escadrila B.2
RO_ESC3N           Escadrila N.3
RO_ESC3Nbis        Escadrila N.3/bis
RO_ESC4F           Escadrila F.4
RO_ESC5F           Escadrila F.5
RO_ESC6F           Escadrila F.6
RO_ESC7F           Escadrila F.7
RO_ESC8BM          Escadrila B.M.8
RO_ESC8S           Escadrila S.8
RO_ESC9F           Escadrila F.9
RO_ESC10N          Escadrila N.10
RO_ESC11N          Escadrila N.11
RO_ESC12C          Escadrila C.12
RO_ESC12S          Escadrila S.12

RO_GRA1            Grupul 1 Aeronautic
RO_GRA2            Grupul 2 Aeronautic
RO_GRA3            Grupul 3 Aeronautic
RO_GRAB            Grupul Aeronautic 'Basarabean'
RO_GRA4            Grupul 4 Aeronautic
RO_GRA5            Grupul 5 Aeronautic


If you could search for the remaining 4 missing named Squadrons of Grupul Escadrilie 1 , 2 and 4 I'll add them by name too....

If you have some suggestion about don't exitate to write!

Now I'm working about ranks and awards.....



0 Sergeant Major
1 Plutonier
2 Plutonier Major
3 Plutonier Major Sef
4 Sublocotenent
5 Locotenent
6 Capitan


0 Silver Military Virtue Medal
1 Golden Military Virtue Medal
2 Bronze Loyal Service Cross
3 Silver Loyal Service Cross
4 Golden Loyal Service Cross
5 Loyal Service Order's Knight
6 Star of Romania Order's Knight
7 Michael the Brave Order's Knight

Any thought are always welcomed!


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Re: WIP : WW1 units added to game
« Reply #55 on: January 03, 2023, 11:39:59 AM »

Now I'm cleaning the folder and organize an alpha test version for testers (please , if you like to test my work , you are still in time to PM me to have a link for the alpha version).....

I have done 19 new plus 2 generic WWI involved nations:


av K.u.K. Luftfahrtruppen
bg Bulgarski Aviatsionen Korpus
di Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte
dm Kaiserliche Marine-Fliegerabteilung
to Osmanli Havacilik Filolari


aa Australian Flying Corps
bf Belgian Air Service
ff Aéronautique Militaire
gg Royal Flying Corps
gr Ellinikì Aeroporìa
im Corpo Aeronautico Militare
in I.J.N. Air Service
ja I.J.A. Air Corps
re Imperial Russian Air Service
rf Royal Air Force
ro Corpul de Aviatie
rs Royal Naval Air Service
sr Srpska Avijatika
ua A.E.F. Air Service

GENERIC (because DE and RU cannot be deleted to have the game engine work correctly)


I have left apart:

- Portugal because from my research deployed only aviators to Western Front but not organic units....
- Montenegro because I can't find any information about the organization of an Air Force in WW1....

I'll also provide dedicated WWI files needed in Dynamic Campaign for these major nations/services (because them develop long and articulated campaigns while for the others their involvment in WWI is more limited and can be reproduced....and in my personal opinion maybe better....with single missions/static campaigns....):

RFC , RNAS , RAF , Australia , France , Belgium , USA , Germany (Army and Navy) , Austro Hungary , Turkey , Russian Empire.

ATM I plan to add in the future the Dgen files for Italy and Romania but I have to search for better images for pilots because (as you can see in my work) I prefere to keep the portrait the most uniform possible and actually I have not enough portrait of similar fashion to realize all the 32 images needed....


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Re: WIP : WW1 units added to game
« Reply #56 on: January 04, 2023, 01:29:46 PM »

Well done! Now, to some suggestions :)

If you could search for the remaining 4 missing named Squadrons of Grupul Escadrilie 1 , 2 and 4 I'll add them by name too

The squadrons of Grupul 1 Escadrile were named Escadrila 'Farman' and Escadrila 'Voisin'. You can probably guess what were the main airplanes used by those squadrons :) The other squadrons weren't named.

As a side note here, the term is "Escadrile" (Squadrons), not "Escadrilie". You've accidently slipped an additional "i" in there. Another note here, Grupul Aeronautic 'Basarabean' is the same as Grupul 4 Aeronautic. Just that it seems that it was mostly referred to as the "Grupul Aeronautic Basarabean".

Now suggestions for the ranks:
0 Caporal
1 Sergent
2 Plutonier
3 Plutonier Major
4 Sublocotenent
5 Locotenent
6 Capitan

I've removed the ranks of Sergeant Major and Plutonier Major Sef as they didn't exist (you can check this article for the WW1 Romanian Army ranks https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proiect:Rom%C3%A2nia_%C3%AEn_Primul_R%C4%83zboi_Mondial/Nomenclator_de_denumiri#Armata_Rom%C3%A2niei). I've added the rank of Caporal (Corporal) to fill the list and kept all ranks with their Romanian name version.

Suggestions for the awards:
0 Medal for "Barbatie si Credinta"
1 Military Virtue Medal
2 Cross of Faithful Service 2nd Class
3 Cross of Faithful Service 1nd Class
4 Order of the Crown of Romania Knight Class
5 Order of the Star of Romania Knight Class
6 Order of the Crown of Romania Officer Class
7 Order of Michael the Brave 3rd Class

I've however kept the Cross of Faithful Service with two of its classes to fill the gap between the Military Virtue and the Crown of Romania and I've also kept the Officer Class of the Crown of Romania (which is above the Knight Class of the Star of Romania). Michael the Brave 3rd Class was the highest award a soldier could receive. Kept all the names here in English, except for the Medal for "Barbatie si Credinta" (https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medalia_pentru_b%C4%83rb%C4%83%C8%9Bie_%C8%99i_credin%C8%9B%C4%83) but you could translate it to Medal for Manhood and Faith if you want.

And finally...
ATM I plan to add in the future the Dgen files for Italy and Romania but I have to search for better images for pilots because (as you can see in my work) I prefere to keep the portrait the most uniform possible and actually I have not enough portrait of similar fashion to realize all the 32 images needed

If you can send me an example of what images you need, I'll see how I can help.


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Re: WIP : WW1 units added to game
« Reply #57 on: January 04, 2023, 02:45:54 PM »

Hi Alin!

The squadrons of Grupul 1 Escadrile were named Escadrila 'Farman' and Escadrila 'Voisin'. You can probably guess what were the main airplanes used by those squadrons :) The other squadrons weren't named.


....the term is "Escadrile" (Squadrons), not "Escadrilie"....


suggestions for the ranks

I got my information , maimly but not exclusively , from this source:


About the ranks division I have also harmonized the ranks among similar air forces....

Since the strenght of the fromations involved in that age were at lower command level than in WW2:

- Germanic and german aided air services that allowed NCO to fly as pilots are limited to Captain....
- France and french aided air services (Romania included) are limited to Captain too....
- British and American air services that allowed only Officers to fly as pilots are limited to acting Majors....

So I can modify the ranking of Romanian pilots to:

0 Plutonier
1 Plutonier Major
2 Plutonier Major Sef
3 Sublocotenent
4 Locotenent
5 Locotenent (Acting Capitan)
6 Capitan

About the awards....

I don't think to change because:

- The Medal for "Barbatie si Credinta" was a very lower ranked medal , only for NCO and soldiers....and was also widely awarded....I belive that it's not a good starting point because (at the lower rank) you start a career as a seasoned NCO anyway , and usually the rewards for air victories were more highlighted than those awarded to trench warriors.....

- The Order of the Crown of Romania in his Officer Class grade was awarded only to senior Officers and you as Capitan are anyway a junior Officer....this is also in line with all other nations where in no awards I have added any Officer classes....

If you can send me an example of what images you need, I'll see how I can help.

As I have uploaded the files for the Alpha test I send you the status of my work about Romanian pilots....


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Re: WIP : WW1 units added to game
« Reply #58 on: January 05, 2023, 04:32:15 AM »

I can release a beta in the next few days....just to start the New Year in and old DOF sky....

Anyone that is volunteer for tester please send me a pm....

I have to delay the testing release for some days because:

1) I'm unhappy about how I have done the German aces and cities section....a couple of days of work....
2) Further searching for portrait about Italy and Romania....


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Re: WIP : WW1 units added to game
« Reply #59 on: January 05, 2023, 02:36:32 PM »

I got my information , maimly but not exclusively , from this source:

Yea, that source isn't correct...

Here are the ranks between Caporal and Capitan (with the slight differences between the epaulettes of various units) as per the law of 1912.

I'd suggest, if you can't keep the rank of Caporal, to start off from Sergent like before. So the ranks would go something like:
0 Sergent
2 Plutonier
3 Plutonier Major
4 Sublocotenent
5 Locotenent
5 Locotenent (Acting Capitan)
6 Capitan

The Locotenent (Acting Capitan) is a good idea for filling the gap between Locotenent and Capitan and it's a better choice than Plutonier Major Sef which did not exist.

For the awards. Good points, then I'll make this suggestion:
0 Military Virtue Medal 2nd Class
1 Military Virtue Medal 1st Class
2 Medal of Faithful Service
3 Cross of Faithful Service 2nd Class
4 Cross of Faithful Service 1st Class
5 Order of the Crown of Romania Knight Class
6 Order of the Star of Romania Knight Class
7 Order of Michael the Brave 3rd Class

Separated the Military Virtue Medal in its two classes and added the Medal of Faithful Service instead. The main problem with your list was the Loyal Service Order, because it did not exist at that time. The Loyal Service Order (or Faithful Service Order, both valid way to translate it) was only instituted in 1932 by Carol II, way after WW1. Same goes for the number of Classes of the Cross of Faithful Service (only had two in WW1).
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