Falcons of Pakistan - PAF Interceptors on Afghan borders, 1986 - 1989
Flying the Mirage III and the F-16 against Soviet / Afghan intruders towards the end of the Soviet-Afghan War.

When the Gorbatchew administration in 1985 began planning the Soviet retreat from Afghanistan, it would still be a long and bloody way to go until the last Soviet troops had left the country. The planning took until 1987 and the real pull out began only in 1988, lasting into 1989.
Mujahideen forces on the ground were in an upswing and the fighting increased in certain strategic areas around Kabul. Western and particularly American intelligence was of course well received in these operations. Pakistan was a gateway, despite being in an American embargo list for their nuclear program.
After negotiations, the PAF had received F-16A fighters in the early 80s through the Peace Gate deals, now these could be put to a test against Soviet made aircraft.
Often the Mujahideen would operate across the Pakistani borders and the Soviet-Afghan troops conducted retaliation attacks on their camps and supply routes in the border region, not always respecting Pakistani airspace. The distinction between refugee camps and rebel bases was blurry at best, with fatal results for many civilians.
During these last years, a series of clashes between DRAAF and Soviet aircraft and PAF fighters occurred in Pakistani airspace.
10 Missions, the dates and involved aircraft types reflect real events.
(thanks to Jan Safarik)
I have used the China Map, because it reflects a suitable terrain with no coastlines.
Mirage III + F-16
suggested difficulty settings:
- All Flightmodel Realism settings to OFF
- No Instant Success to OFF
- playable at any rank, but highest is suggested to be flight leader!
C&C elements:
You will experience random weather and you will have GCI notifications
F-16 and Mirage III skins by vampire_pilot
Mig and Su skins by mm and vampire_pilot
