The main aircraft of the French Aeronavale in the late thirties was the Levasseur PL10 and its evoluition the PL101.
Both planes implemented the classical Levasseur concept of "boat plane" - the fuselage was built so that in case of malfunction while flying over the sea, the plane could jettison its landing gear (here press the Gear down key to do that) and land on the sea. However, subsequent take off was impossible as the propeller got damaged in the process. Try it, it's quite fun.
I made this mod using original plans from Levasseur company and some quite good photographs of the cockpit and instruments panel
Two things remain to be done on this plane:
1) ask a java guru what stands behind the behaviour of the gear when jettisonned - I took the java method from the Ju87C and don't really like the result - in reality the gear was not destroyed but dropped in a single unit - maybe it would have been better and easier to model it as a dummy fuel drop tank, but I had a number of reasons not to do so.
2) add to the armament options the smoke screen pots - I made the meshes but need to copy the java from the smoke screens pots I made from the US ordnance pack - once again just lazyness behind that
As usual you'll need the new French Arms pack: these files too!Interwar+French+Machine+Guns.7z/file!French+Torpedo+and+Racks.7z/fileLinks for the planes:
PL101 additions:
Levasseur_PL10 air.PL10 1 NOINFO f01 SUMMER
Levasseur_PL101 air.PL101 1 NOINFO f01 SUMMER
Feel free to finalize and upgrade this plane where needed.
The planes have been tested in 4.122 modact 5.30, so will probably run smoothly also in BAT