I have been posting again on some of the boards, having started to play old installs of DBW 1.71 and UP 3.0 RC4 after many years. I missed the whole "BAT" thing. I went into these BAT boards but was not able to determine which patch of IL2 1946 BAT is installed over. I realize I would have found it eventually but I don't have much spare time.
I do know that about 2 to 4 years ago (poor memory, I'm an old fart) I downloaded what was supposed to be the final "Daidalos" patch of the game ( not a modded version, but official version). I don't remember the version it was. But after going into QMB and giving many planes and adversaries a go I found it virtually unplayable, as the AI enemy planes locked into me so hard and were such great shots that I was seldom able to last more than a few minutes in combat, even with their 'AI' level set to the lowest. If I put them in 'Ace", well forget about it!!
Just as aggravating was the fact the planes I flew would go into accelerated stalls when I turned "just a little" too hard and there was no warning. It was what Raybanjockey in the old Ubisoft forum boards used to call a "banana slip stall" and Oleg had to take out this unpredictable accelerated stall tendency out due to many complaints.
So, to get to my actual point, I'd like to know if BAT is based on this unplayable version? But understand that many might find this unidentified version very playable, as they possibly might be better pilots than I am. So when I say unplayable, it's purely from my own personal standpoint.
I am pretty sure I still have the downloaded game I'm talking about that I found unplayable (and paid good money for) and I'll try to find what hard drive I have it on. I have dozens of hard drives laying around due to PC nerditis (an uncurable and terminal illness, prayers are welcome).