My weekend was Okay, I just found I need a Modding Monkey, will ask for a good Pal
to help with uncomfortable stuff. All this Textediting, it sucks. I can't do that long.
Yeah, do that, these days the publishing of a Mod is more painfull than the long ago Modding.
Enjoy them, for any shortcomings, 2 weeks
What intensity you mean, I don't understand, reticle Brightness?
That's custom stuff, easy to do. Give me a favour and try such adjustments.
It just needs a Texteditor, Google Search here on SAS how-to and good sight.
The latter I can't offer atm.
That's how a lot of us started out with such small tweaks.
Further Loadout Upgrades are in the Plan.
At Moment I was shipped new Books, mostly RCAF, but also Black Cats stuff, RAF Catalinas.
Before I can read them, is a long time. My recent retarded shortcomings. I just quickly went through and saw what will be
a much needed Canso/RAF Slot upgrades for us. It needs further edits to accomplish this later, but I guess it's worth the waiting.
atm. the defensive armament is early PBY-5 US standard, that sucks a big dong.
Canso will see 2x and 4x Browning nose Window mixed historical Loadouts for that.
Same for the Cannon armed Black Cats, but here I need to read a lot, but expect an Upgrade.
We have everything safe here, it just can be better.
My personal wish is to include the RCAF/RAF defensive armaments changes, double MGs in Left and Right Blisters
as well as Upgrading the frontal Turret to 2x MG. For a real RAF/RCAF Catalina that is a must have.
Early in the Beta I did Tests, at least in external in and java/Hooks it worked pretty well.
Dunno about the editing of Stations(3-D), excpect that Franken, I'm no Modding God.
Here we must improvise to get that done.
Best wishes