I've dipped my toes back into IL-2 for the first time in a while and have thoroughly enjoyed all the goodies that BAT 4.1 has to offer. I've also gone to work updating my campaign error checking/conversion script from a few years ago. That's still in progress in terms of making it more user friendly, but I've added more features in the meantime such as automatically correcting "marking-less" static aircraft, confirming the mission has a set date, and more. While that's still cooking for release, I present the first two campaigns I have converted to the new BAT standard. I've added CandC objects where appropriate, fixed static aircraft/skins, added mission dates, and more. Download the skins from the original campaign links, and the missions from my mediafire links below:
The Cauldron by PhilK, featuring the Il-2 at Stalingrad.
12/24 updated to v1.2, (some) floating flame/smoke errors fixed, a few missions taxi to takeoff was getting stuck
Link to Original CampaignLink to ConversionKarelian Eagles by PhilK featuring the Finnish Ju-88 squadrons in the summer of 1944. Watch out for fighters!
12/24 updated to v1.3, fixed some of the AI ground attack routines in a few missions, misplaced fire object in final mission
Link to Original CampaignLink to ConversionArctic Hunters by PhilK, featuring the P-39Q around Murmansk. Updated the campaign to 4.12 and BAT objects, some C+C objects used, also taxi to takeoff.
12/24 updated to v1.1, fixed some fire special effects, adjusted enemy waypoints to make it harder to miss them when playing as flight lead and navigating yourself.
Link to Original CampaignLink to ConversionMoscow Special Delivery by PhilK, featuring the Pe-2. Updated the campaign to 4.12 and BAT standard, fixed whatever AI behavior problems I observed in my playthrough. There is also an Su-2 version but I haven't finished working on that yet.
12/15 added v1.0Link to Original CampaignLink to ConversionGreenHearts Kurland by PhilK, featuring the Fw-109A-8. Updated the campaign to 4.12 and BAT standard, fixed whatever AI behavior problems I observed in my playthrough, added taxi to takeoff. Just finished this one and have not play-tested it yet.
12/15 added v1.0Link to Original CampaignLink to ConversionUSS Enterprise CV 6 by KevinHoggard. This one was included in the BAT missions pack but had some issues. I went through and swapped/corrected aircraft for more historical choices as far as I could ascertain, re-did some of the ground attack routines to make the AI perform a bit better, corrected some missing objects, added some C+C stuff. That was phase 1 and is complete. For phase 2, lots of the missions don't have landing points and have the other flights disappear after the attack rather than return to the carrier with you, which I found a bit immersion breaking. I've started to redo these, but it's still in progress, I've done the first 15 missions or so, the rest to eventually follow.
12/15 added v1.0Link to Original CampaignLink to ConversionRAF No.112 Sqdn by KevinHoggard. This one was included in the BAT missions pack. Didn't need much in the way of BAT object fixes, but I went through and changed out some ahistorical aircraft choices (Macchi 202 and Fw-190 were showing up too early, made the first P-40 missions with Tomahawks rather than Kitty Hawks). I've thoroughly enjoyed this campaign so far and these are just my tweaks and updates to it.
12/15 added v1.0Link to Original CampaignLink to ConversionJust An Eyelash by DixieCapt. This one was also included in the BAT missions pack but still had some issues. I've gone through and reworked them, updated to 4.12, replaced all the substitute aircraft (i.e. using actual P-26 instead of A5M), added some C+C aircraft. I also started to add taxi to takeoff but the B-17 is a bitch to taxi on the ground, so not all of them are done as I ran out of steam and didn't feel it added much.
12/15 added v1.0Link to Original CampaignLink to ConversionIf you spot any errors or ideas for mission improvement, let me know. All credits go the original campaign makers. I lack the creativity to come up with these awesome campaigns and design the scenery objects, I just write python scripts and play around the the FMB.