Holy crab
Lasers, X-4, Reichsstahl, Elfensperrholz, fancy stuff, good weapons aren't easy,
or was it the other way around easy weapons aren't good... Yeah
Head on Bomber attack, muah boring
Using Guns and Cannons, sleepy well
Kommando Stamp Me262 drop AB 250/500 Bombs air-to-air
WfrGr.21 air-to-air
Until you went for using Krebsgerät
No sight, no clue, just a universe of guess
such a stupid weapon, but we aren't Il-2 1946 if we can't get fun
after 40 retries I stopped counting reflies,
I messsed up the overfly, due to another attempt, frustration grown, overfly must be perfect, perfect hair, combed,
trim, watch Instrument, heck you're
trying the most stupid weapon for precision I don't know
AI whiggled, I pulled slightly left and said "screw this", it not gonna explode near them
What ?
The explosion tipped his right wing, down he went,
such a bad attempt, shot from a stupid angle, approach overpass,
AI started whiggling, had to avoid collision, then banked slightly left,
frustration, estimated 70 tries and no damage done, hit the button, from a stupid
offset position, pure luck...
Settings 200m 0.5 Secs, Must be different to your usual 600m 21cm Setting w. long delay fuze.