Hello, can someone point me in the right direction, help me understand how to modify load outs? I tried messing around in weapons properties and taking an F-104A load out into the F-104C, that didn't work. I did some searching on the forums and can't find anything more helpful than "ask a modder" which I would hate to waste their time.
I am trying to create an "accurate" video of the events leading up to and subsequent capture of, Capt Phillip E. Smith flying an F-104C, shot down by a Chinese Mig-19, September 1965. I've read his book, a number of F-104 books, finishing a script, and staring to put things into motion in FMB.
The load out for the F-104A/A 319 FIS is what I need (Fighter:_2xAim9B+2xDroptank) on the F-104C. The Aim-9s are on the wing tip and the drop tanks are under the wing.
The F-104C has the same load out name (Fighter:_2xAim9B+2xDroptank). However the Aim-9s are under the wing and the drop tanks are on the wing tip. The configuration Capt Smith was flying in had the Aim-9s on the wing tip and the drop tanks under the wing. The problem lies in the F-104C has the air fueling probe while the A's do not, missing a vital visual aesthetic (that maybe 1% will notice). I've gone back in forth deciding whether to do this project in DCS or IL-2, but the DCS F-104 Mod is a G (also without the refueling probe, and their KC-135s are Es so the engine is wrong and they don't have the boom drogue). Good old Il-2 1946 has everything I need, as always(correct KC-135, KC-130, F-102, maps, aircraft, objects, ships, ease of use in FMB and camera controls) except for the F-104C load out. If I get told to pound sand, I will, and I will just try to get creative with my editing. If I can get some help or an updated load out (F-104C with Aim-9s on the wing tips and drop tanks beneath the wing) I would be grateful and would make things a lot easier.
F-104A showing load out I need. Drop tanks are invisible in the QMB, but appear when flying.
F-104A 319 FIS showing load out I need. Drop tanks are invisible in the QMB, but appear when flying.
F-104C with the same load out description, different configuration.
F-104A with desired load out in flight.
F-104C with same load out description, different configuration.
All air-to-air load out descriptions and configurations for F-104C. Numerous other load outs, but for air-to-ground. I have scrolled through all the load outs repeatedly.
Here is an example of my work. Thank you.