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Author Topic: An easier AI pilot mod to 4.12.2+modact 5.30  (Read 3083 times)

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An easier AI pilot mod to 4.12.2+modact 5.30
« on: February 03, 2021, 06:46:59 PM »

I searched and researched a lot with hope of finding a mod to make the AI ​​of offline missions easier, but I didn't find anything to do that.
I currently use Version 4.12.2m with SAS modact 5.30, and I have suffered a lot from the AI ​​Difficulty, since before using modact 5.30, I had UP 3.3 p8 which AI was less accurate and much more easy to fight against. :(

So I came here to request a mod to make the AI ​​easier for 4.12.2m. ;D

(And if I did something wrong, or wrote something wrong, forgive me, I keep practicing my English ^^;)


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Re: An easier AI pilot mod to 4.12.2+modact 5.30
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2021, 09:07:45 PM »

G'day Blitz109

I began playing this great game a little over 2 years ago and was wrapped to have over 10 years of content to play.
Playing older campaigns when the AI was easier and the skill levels where bumped up, I found some missions especially against the Japanese absolutely brutal.
I recommend opening the .mis file and manually adjusting the skill settings.
There is also a no instant success difficulty setting, have this un checked for campaigns because if you crash land and survive or bail out near your airfield you should be able to progress.
Go in quickly - Punch hard - Get out!

wern moldy

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Re: An easier AI pilot mod to 4.12.2+modact 5.30
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2021, 11:15:22 PM »

The direct answer to your question is there's nothing available that will do what you ask.
Without getting into a long winded narrative about realism, or lack of it, the simple fact is if this game resembled real combat in any way, it would probably be boring most of the time; The aces all said that most of their kills, the recipient didn't see them coming. This would be reassuring if one's life was on the line, but it isn't. We want a game that provides both action and some kind of challenge.

I'd played DBW in the past, and by comparison that AI was really lame. I agree that the 4.12 AI can be over bearing. The thing that I do so that I don't go insane, is choose my campaigns. There are some that are just frustratingly bullshit; when I come across one of those I just discard it.

I've played German campaigns where I got well over 100 kills, then I try a P51 campaign; and I can't hit the side of a barn, inferior aircraft are suddenly superior to what's supposed to be one the best single seaters of WW2! As well as that, you get the crap shot out of you from every angle as though yours is the only plane in the sky. Calling for help half of the time, is useless.
There's a chap on Youtube called Douglas Rangel. In one of his amusing IL2 videos, he's in a Mosquito that gets chased down by a pair of Bf 110s....go figure!

I can't say why some campaigns are more equitable than others, so, try and/or discard. That's the only advice I can give.


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Re: An easier AI pilot mod to 4.12.2+modact 5.30
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2021, 05:13:47 AM »

I agree with wern.
Most of us try to reflect historical reality in our sim which is physically impossible. I think it's best to just fly as much as possible to get to know sim, and then create your own missions and campaigns, taking into account the reality of the simulator and not the history, so you avoid frustrations. Il-2 is great but it's just a game, you have unnerving and frustrating AI behaviour, sometimes devoid of any logic, you have simplified AI FM's that always give him an advantage, you  have always debatable FM's, weapon effectiveness, armour resistance and so on. Accept the sim as it is and adapt the missions to it and not to the historical reality (which most mission and campaign creators don't do). After all it's about pleasure and fun...
As I said, you fly the sim and you have to get to know him, not history.
If you don't like the how is one version, you can always switch to another, most mods exist for all versions so there is no problem.


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Re: An easier AI pilot mod to 4.12.2+modact 5.30
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2021, 05:47:06 AM »

I know the feeling of the AI being too 'good', especially if like me you have very limited time to spend flying and get frustrated spending 20 minutes flying to the target then get shot down immediately. For me, it's all about how I want to enjoy it, not how truly accurate it is and that's where selective modding really comes into its own - you really can customise things to what suits you, your time and the experience you want.

Modifications to AI accuracy can be done if you delve into the classfiles. I can't remember which one now (manoeuvre?) but anyway, IIRC I compared 4.11 to 4.12 and modified the AI shooting accuracy at the various skill levels, to make 4.12 a little more enjoyable for myself. The AI still swarms all over you but they miss a bit more often  :P


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Re: An easier AI pilot mod to 4.12.2+modact 5.30
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2021, 06:52:33 AM »

I'd agree with the 'quick' solution by simply going into the .mis files and adjusting the skill setting of your opponents.  I hate to admit it but having the bad buys at '1' or even '0' is enough for me.


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Re: An easier AI pilot mod to 4.12.2+modact 5.30
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2021, 07:36:51 AM »

I understand better now, thanks for the quick replies and explanations! ;D


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Re: An easier AI pilot mod to 4.12.2+modact 5.30
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2021, 07:44:23 AM »

I am not convinced if modifying skills changes much. To my knowledge and experience with the sim, the only thing that changes with it, is the AI pilot's aim. Maneuvers and tactics are the same...


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Re: An easier AI pilot mod to 4.12.2+modact 5.30
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2021, 07:55:15 AM »

I am not convinced if modifying skills changes much. To my knowledge and experience with the sim, the only thing that changes with it, is the AI pilot's aim. Maneuvers and tactics are the same...

My experience is that it's a bit more than that, I would say that the higher skill levels are harder to sneak up on and they turn from defensive to aggressive behaviour more readily. Try sneaking up on three 0 skill fighters from behind and below - you can probably get a couple of them before they break away. At higher skill levels, they might not see you and you might get one but while you are looking for the second one that broke away, the third will be in a position to take shots at you.

You are right that the skill model affects the aim, that is the bit I tweaked.




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Re: An easier AI pilot mod to 4.12.2+modact 5.30
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2021, 08:54:22 AM »

Concur with Marcost, higher level essentially means more aggression when high and weaker evasion techniques when on low.

As lame as this sounds to some of the more experienced pilots, for our little online coop group, we generally adjust enemy fighters to '0' or '1' to give us a good chance.  I generally leave bombers to '2' or '3' to make them more challenging and less easy to bring down.

I find that due to my own skills with virtual flying that I have a more balanced 'fight' when the AI enemy skills are set lower whereas the higher settings tip things a lot more in favour of the AI. 


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Re: An easier AI pilot mod to 4.12.2+modact 5.30
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2021, 11:43:29 AM »

Here's my 'poorer shooting AI' mod if you want to try it. It's for 4.12 and isn't an often-modded classfile so might work without conflicts for you. I don't think I altered anything else but can't be sure, it's a long time ago.


Let me know if you notice a difference!




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Re: An easier AI pilot mod to 4.12.2+modact 5.30
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2021, 01:06:03 PM »

My experience is that it's a bit more than that, I would say that the higher skill levels are harder to sneak up on and they turn from defensive to aggressive behaviour more readily. Try sneaking up on three 0 skill fighters from behind and below - you can probably get a couple of them before they break away. At higher skill levels, they might not see you and you might get one but while you are looking for the second one that broke away, the third will be in a position to take shots at you.
This has aroused my curiosity, as I have been flying against aces and veterans for years (I had a stupid mania of frontal attacks and this was a way to cure me), I have already forgotten a bit about rookie behaviour, then, what I have said refers to many years ago (maybe in novice times my perception of aces and rookies was different).
I have now done some tests to compare aces and rookies in mentioned by you situation. I have done it only in QMB (Smolensk map, alt. 2000m, meteo: clair, position +, situation: disavantage, diff. 500m, Tempest vs. 3 Dora).
In UP 3.0, UP 3.3 and DBW 1.71 the reaction of aces and rookies is identical: at the start of the mission they immediately start manoeuvres (dist.+-1600m, they have already seen you when you pressed start button  ;D). In HSFX 7 and MA 5.30 it is true that you can reach the shooting distance flying behind rookies, instead aces locate you immediately.
In my habitual missions I don't remember being in a position to surprise any aircraft from behind and from low (as I said, I fly against aces and veterans - which does not mean that I am good  ;)), I have always encountered the wonderful ability of AI to see through the fuselage, they always start evasive manoeuvres before I reach the firing distance (+-700m or before)  ]banghead[. The only times where I have been able to surprise from behind without any problems, was flying against other players in SEOW.
I haven't compared behaviour in the combat itself, but as I unfortunately have too much time I'll try it...
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