Yes, the red air force does have some strange qualities to it in IL-2 1946.
I think this happens with almost all aircraft when facing AI, I find that the difference between "flyable" FM and AI FM is too big in most cases (not counting FMs conceived in an exaggerated way, not corresponding to real differences between aircrafts, both positive and negative). When you take a Bf109 F-2 against a AI Yak-1b, you are not able to do things that AI does when you fly a Yak against F-2 AI (and vice versa).
Reminding me of Hermann Graf's memoirs I think that the early Yaks, for example, were not as bad as they are generally considered to be. According to the description of the combat of 14 October 1941, the Yak-1 he faced was equal in performance to his Messerschmit (without taking into account the pilot's ability). We are talking about in combat performance, not level speed, obviously...
The I-185's superiority, though, should be expected, as it was an excellent fighter in real life (better than any common German contemporary).
This aircraft, together with the P-51, were the only ones at that time that had real performance superior to what was expected (we could say that for the Luftwaffe the death of V.A. Stepanchenok was a stroke of luck).