I want to do a large pacific video, about 10 to 15 minutes, I want to show some unseen stuff, I love the F4U corsair but I want to throw some good shots of P-38, some lesser known planes that were involved in the pacific theatre of war that you don't see often in videos.
I'm not a history nerd so I might have the wrong skins selected for the planes but I try to use the best looking one.
So far I have a very Midway inspired battle with about 15 SBD-3's, about 15 SB2U's, about 12 TBD's Devastators, and 12 F4F fighters.
There are 4 IJN carriers and about 4 more destroyers as well as some zero fighters.
I have a good computer, but the game gets down to about 20fps when it's really bad depending on the camera angle. The more shit I'm looking at the worse the fps gets.
Just got reshade working on my game for the first time, I have adjusted colors in post production to get a little bit more beauty out of the shots.
Musically I'm not sure... I either go for some Benny Goodman, some Andrew's sister, (music from the 40's basically) or I go for the dramatic movie music from the Thin Red Line which I already used some in one of my old videos.
Let me know what you guys think, ideas, thoughts, anything.