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Author Topic: 352nd cross channel building submod wip  (Read 57419 times)

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Re: 352nd cross channel building submod wip
« Reply #372 on: June 22, 2022, 11:02:03 AM »

Yeah Kelso! You're right.

Converting Mak8188's excellent bf109 July1940 first mission from the tiny channel map to the modded 352nd map.

The channel map mission.

What it looks like in the 352nd map. Everything starts off at the lower left hand corner of this huge map.

 I've already moved the luftwaffe waypoints  and targets one by one into position and co-ordinated the various flights to converge on the convoy target. The Raf flights are still lurking in lower left hand corner and will have to be painstakingly placed waypoint by waypoint, constantly referencing screenshots of the original fmb mission map to get the correct positions more or less, lots of fun......really. ;D

Ive added some aifield activity and barrage balloons.

Screenies of the current Luftwaffe flight, at this stage a walk in the park with no Luftwaffe opposition.



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Re: 352nd cross channel building submod wip
« Reply #373 on: June 22, 2022, 11:13:31 AM »

Hmm! I can already spot some issues with that airfield in the 3rd screenie from the bottom.


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Re: 352nd cross channel building submod wip
« Reply #374 on: June 22, 2022, 11:20:33 AM »

I can understand why that fort is your favourite 3d model, looks absolutely stunning.

P.S.   Isn't everyone a suspicious character in South Africa?
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Re: 352nd cross channel building submod wip
« Reply #375 on: June 22, 2022, 11:42:25 AM »

 :)) Suspicious until proven not. ;D

I have mixed feelings about this sort of thing with unemployment at 34.5 %, and the current poor standard of education, people have to survive somehow. I try and live life without judging people, even those fecking corrupt govt officials.  :)  It's a great place to live otherwise, it all depends on your attitude and what energy you allow in.

Andy H

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Re: 352nd cross channel building submod wip
« Reply #376 on: June 22, 2022, 11:43:37 AM »

Glad to hear you're firing on all cylinders again, old chum.  :)

Bit of that posh music for you... ;)



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Re: 352nd cross channel building submod wip
« Reply #377 on: June 22, 2022, 11:52:53 AM »

Thanks Andy :)
I'll download it and watch it offline.


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Re: 352nd cross channel building submod wip
« Reply #378 on: June 29, 2022, 04:56:39 AM »

 I am busy with a fresh install of il2 1946 and up/dbw files so that I can test the mod install.

Unfortunately it looks like I can't add any more objects to this map in future as I have reached the unlocked Fmb limit on objects for this map.

I used Zuti's actors management tool to split the actors.static file so that I can continue placing objects in a smaller actors file and then merge the old with the new. It works, but the tool does not recognize mountain objects like my 3d cliffs and harbour models, so they don't show up on the map.

The new actors static tool by Nowekat  creates text files, but the inbuilding.txt file is empty. I suspect this could also be caused by the presence of mountain objects....pity.

 I can still refine and clean up existing placements.


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Re: 352nd cross channel building submod wip
« Reply #379 on: June 29, 2022, 09:59:26 AM »

G'day mate

In an earlier post you said you used a lot of plates to make the terrain smooth for taxi to takeoff, could you remove these and manually smooth the airfield areas?
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Re: 352nd cross channel building submod wip
« Reply #380 on: June 29, 2022, 12:18:10 PM »

Hi genxgamer. On this map the blank plates are necessary for a smooth take off though the airfields are already level. I'm not sure if these are needed on other maps, but the mere fact that these plates exist for this reason indicates a need. If anybody can add...

My test install on a fresh 4.12 install went well today, so release is imminent for what its worth.


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Re: 352nd cross channel building submod wip
« Reply #381 on: June 30, 2022, 08:43:51 AM »

I wanted to open a new topic in ETO MAPS, but I don't see a NEW TOPIC tab, so I'll just post this here in all its glory until I am told to move. Everyone knows to find me here anyway. ;D
For better or for worse it is here.
 :banana_with_bagpipes: :banana_with_bagpipes: :banana_with_bagpipes: :banana_with_bagpipes: :banana_with_bagpipes:
Without further ado:

A BETA building submod for the 352nd  Channel MAP.
I started this mod over a year ago without previous unlocked Fmb experience. At first my intention was just to add some building objects around mission airfields on this open canvas. I added a new terrain and things sort of got out of hand from then on.

The main features include a 3d cliff model to replace those mountainous Dover cliffs. I then saw the possibilities for harbour models placed as mountain objects, harbours that could be viewed from a reasonably far distance.

 For the most part I have concentrated my general building placements around airfields and hopefully along mission flight routes.There are quite a few areas of interest, and if you have followed my wip thread you will know where they are located.

I originally did not intend to work too much work on airfields. I imported one of the Cannon channel airfields to use as a guide and decided to keep the buildings and runway/taxi points, deleting the low res large ground plates and replacing them with smaller ground plates, creating larger runway and taxi sections to be used where needed. Most of the airfields are now reworked Cannon map airfields.

I have edited most of the terrain textures to achieve a certain look. I have added roads and pavements to city and town textures. I also have created a few 3d building objects and I imported Cantebury cathedral from Bobwov2.

There is a lot that can be mentioned here but I don't want to bore you to death. Follow the wip thread for history and details.

This is still a WIP with a lot of refining and polishing to be done and if you find any issues just report them here and I will try to help if it is within my capability. Constructive suggestions are very welcome.

There are two missions, one from vonofterdingen's 303 squadron and the other from Mak8188's Bf109-July-1940 that I converted to this map as well as some freeflight missions. These you place in your mission folder and open with the FMB. Only if you have the mission objects will the combat missions work.

You can just recklessly merge  the MAPMOD folders though it is best to at least check the 3do folder for the work done txt file that I've added to some general building objects included in the install. These folders contain fixes such as adding shadows and removing blender shading issues etc. These are optional except for the RR folders which are mandatory, though I suggest that you do use everything, your decision.

The MAP\_Tex\ RR352nd_Cross_Channel folder contains all of the edited texture files used by the load.ini so that other maps are not affected by the changes I have made.

Make a backup copy your static.ini file.
Add the entries in the text file to the last entry in the static.ini. The text at the bottom of the static.ini will indicate where to place these.

I have tested this mod on a fresh 4.12 install with SAS Modact,PAL-MissionProCombo-v4122 and Monty's TFM4.12 module1 installed, which enabled me to access the Up/Dbw object files that I had to place in the 1946 main Directory in order to have all of the objects needed.

Hopefully this works on whatever Mega pack that you are using.


Latest update:https://www.mediafire.com/file/2webpiajfr2ohtx/RRMODupdate14-12-2022.7z/file

Mission_bug kindly provided a pier shadow fix for all who are experiencing the large pier shadow bug present at Dover and Folkestone ..etc. Place the 3do folder in your MAPMODS folder.





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Re: 352nd cross channel building submod wip
« Reply #382 on: June 30, 2022, 09:33:02 AM »

Thanks for this majestic offer! I can't seem to find the map lines to add to all.ini... EDIT: Found it in the original mod's thread,  8)


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Re: 352nd cross channel building submod wip
« Reply #383 on: June 30, 2022, 09:36:37 AM »

After downloading this and giving it a proper spin with a nice little flight around, I can easily say this is a WONDERFUL post-birthday present to wake up to! ;D The enhanced scenery and building placements are really breathing new life into this old map, coupled together with that magnificent view of the Dover cliffs from afar!

I'm still playing with this thing and experiencing it in it's first published iteration, but it's truly another great addition to this classic flight sim!

A hearty round of applause to roger! Thank you so much for all your tremendous hard work!
Hey, get that inertia started!
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