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Author Topic: Heavy Bombers AI Making too Extreme of Manuvers  (Read 929 times)

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Wing Walker

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Heavy Bombers AI Making too Extreme of Manuvers
« on: March 22, 2021, 05:23:30 AM »

I doubt it, but is there a way to change the AI for bombers?

All bombers seem to try to perform crazy extreme maneuvers when attacked by aircraft.

I just set up a WW1 mission with the Zepplins, and was disappointed to see that you can't really have that kind of mission because the Zep will dive suddenly at an extreme angle down a few thousand feet with the first hit you land on it.

Another I had a PB4Y-2, and when I switch to the gunner position with auto pilot on the big bomber goes allover the place like the wings wouldn't rip off.

There seems to be no weight characteristic in the planes.


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Re: Heavy Bombers AI Making too Extreme of Manuvers
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2021, 07:23:16 AM »

A old bug of the original IL.2


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Re: Heavy Bombers AI Making too Extreme of Manuvers
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2021, 08:25:17 AM »


Yes, bombers will try to evade.
But I can't say I see the same extreme reactions as you describe.

I made the current Zeppelin FM and used Zeppelins in missions and campaigns, never heard or seen such extreme maneuvers. Yes, there is evasion, but not "steep, thousands of feet".

What BAT version are you on for starters?
What altitude and speed was the Zeppelin set to?

It could be, emphasis on could, as I haven't seen or tested that myself, that AI level (easy, average...) has effects on how wild the bomber evades. The higher the AI pilot's level, the wilder?

Wing Walker

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Re: Heavy Bombers AI Making too Extreme of Manuvers
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2021, 03:21:02 PM »

So I made a basic missions around some reading I did of early war Zepplins.

The Zepplins are at 10,000ft + and part of the challenge is trying to stay up there to attack them.  I haven't made it a night map yet.  Anyhoo...

I line up on the Zep and trying to catch it, then spray allover it, and finally land my first hit on one of the engines, then it immediately nose dived like an airplane would down from 10,000 Ft to 8,000ish Ft and then leveled out.  I didn't actually look at the number, it dove way low though and I was above 10,000, and this is not the first time I've seen them dive.

It was the more tan colored Zepplin, I didn't use that one in your picture.  I'm also using the current version of BAT.

Maybe it was a reaction to taking out the engine, but I just hit it once not sure if I actually took it out.

But I still had the crazy maneuvering happen with the PB4Y-2 when I go gunner.

I will try playing putting it on rookie from veteran next time I fire it up.



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Re: Heavy Bombers AI Making too Extreme of Manuvers
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2021, 05:05:23 PM »

I can just give mustard to it, the awkward swaying is as old as IL-2,
I have it in DBW and seen it on UP3 server and BAT 4.1.2. too.

Is not aircraft.type specific, it is most to Player flight.

If you observe your Flight AI #3, #4, seldom #2, than it's a signal for silly things to come.
Can happen if Player paces the Throttle and goes fast or zoom climbs like an idiot,
had it soon after T/O or in any situation ingame.
where it gets more frequently is when they are trapped at the waypoint after Target set to Groundobject or ship.
That should be a warning point, that is when AI hangs, at this stage the frequency is highest to get that bug.
Using rejoin doesn't help always to overcome, as does when you simply wait for them to end that fashion.
If they come out of waypoint circling they sway roll left and right. in very rare occassions if #3 and #4 are rolling, they
can collide in a midair crash, I had it that I lost even my Wingman over the 2nd Pair doing silly things with it.
Sometimes they stop from alone, sometimes I need to toggle Formations to break that routine they are trapped.

Break, get into formation, Break, use a another Formation. Once you use Formation call it's safe.
It seems to override these awkward bugs, I found that in my
Pedestal Malta QMBs, the only long waypoint Missions I fly frequently.

But for people not pedantic over having nerves for caring about stupid AI, if
situation allows, send them back to base.

Wiseman : "Did you speak the exact words?" Ash : "Look, maybe I didn't say every single little tiny syllable, no. But basically I said them, yeah."
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