Sorry Malone, but if I undestood well, the platinun version DOES contain classFiles, so it wont work on a 4.10 game?
Thanks again
Hello Gerson
I still have good old " -00_AAA_August_20_2009_Effects_Platinum_Special_Edition ".I just checked it and I may assure you that it doesn't contain any classFiles.
Here is the ReadMe , just in case.
This is new release with " Ultimate Full 3D Smokes & Fire Effects " mod with completely redesigned all smokes including contrail ,
and new " Additional Aircraft And Ground Effects " mod with fixed small flak sparks bug and reduced plane fiery parts effects size
all combined in to one easy mod install.
High altitude contrail is now more suited for fighter planes formations and dogfights .
Large high altitude flying bombers formation is causing contrails flickering as the game engine can't handle that many contrails due
to just one B17 4 engine bomber requiring and using already 4 contrails .
Some planes have original game release contrails bug with shifted contrail , which there is nothing we can do about it .
Plane damage smokes were given design importance for prop planes rather than Jet planes due to only one effect file available which
is sharing damage smokes between prop planes and Jet planes , sadly .
Use only Effects=0 or Effecst=1setting in your conf.ini file
DO NOT USE effects=2 conf.ini file setting
DISABLE or REMOVE if you have installed any of these to avoid files and textures conflicts !!!! :
1. V2_Guncam_New_Fire_3D_Ultimate_Smokes mod or V2_2D_Contrails_Guncam_New_Fire_3D_Ultimate_Smokes mod by HG & P
2. New Additional Effects Mod V. 00 mod by HG & P ( 00_AircraftGroundAdditionalEffects_ATI_Nvidia_July10_2009 by HG & P )
3. Smoke Fire Fuel and Contrail mod by Th!rdeye
4. Fly's Smokes & Fire mod by Fly!
5. A pack of enhanced FireSmoke effects goodies in one install mod by HolyGrail
6. 3rdeye smokemod-mod by FlushMeister
7. Failure's engine smoke/fire mod
8. Improved Weapon Hit Debris mod by keinmann
9. Smoke mod by 2ch
10. 25km smoke visibility by sonko
11. Flusys Smoke Mod by FlushMeister
12. Ship and trainsmoke mod by rofl210
13. Effects all in one mod by making153
14. Failure's Bomb Explosions mod by Failure
15. No_debris mod by Fly!
16. New smoke Fx! (updated v.3) mod by Goblin
17. Failure's Supreme Effects Pack mod by Failure
18. Weapon Hit Effects Mod + Rocket Trail v1.3 *Update 7/27* mod by Th!rdeye
19. VAS_Bomb_Expl+ buildings in Fire v1.01mod by Stuka40
20. Mods by slipry ( except for tire screech if you want to keep it )
21. HitEffectMod_v1.2_Mvn mod by Maven
22. 3rdeye Weapon Hit effect mod by Th!rdeye
23. Lights / Smoke / Effects mod by Mr.Jolly
24. 20mm hit flash+30mm mod by GETTER
25. Explosions FLAKs and sounds edit v.5 mod by Buffy
26. Any other plane hit bullet flash effects mod you might have
27. Any other plane hit debris mod you might have
28. Any other bomb explosion effects mod you might have
29. Any previous version of Holygrail & Potenz additional aircraft ground effects mod you might have
Place this 00_AAA_August_20_2009_Effects_Platinum_Special_Edition mod as the first one in to your game
main mods folder in order for game to read this mod first to prevent conflicts possibility
with any other mod that was forgotten to be disabled or removed .
This version of ships.ini file is a must install if you are using any previous version of ships.ini file
as this file is latest new corrected version by fabianfred .
Previous version caused some of the ships damage smokes bug resulting in cotton balls .
Place technics.ini file in to your main mod directory " STD " folder " objects " subfolder
where is also static.ini like :
C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects
in order to have new damage effect available also for static planes .
If you no longer want static planes damage effect , just delete " technics.ini " from the directory
where you placed this technics.ini file inside you STD folder and that's all.
Thank you and enjoy new aircraft damage smokes , fires and ground explosive visual effects experience !!
New version :
with reduced Pacific Theater ships small flak effect GPU & CPU processing requirement by 80% for flawless playable FPS .
HolyGrail & Potenz
Hope this help.