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Author Topic: Adding missions and campaigns to Bat Red Core and VP modpack ?  (Read 1625 times)

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Hello everyone,I've been into IL-2'46 for quite a while but only play QMB in the past. Would like to add missions and campaigns to the latest BAT Red Coreinstall and VP modpack. How do i go about this? Do not know all the workings of the sim as i do for CFS3. Is there a tutorial on installing these? Would really like to take advantage of all the work done. Can follow instructions as i still love the classic WWII air combat sims and this is one of my favorites. Now it is the time to get serious with time spent in IL-2 BAT and VP modact. Any help for a old timer ? Thanks,Scott


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Re: Adding missions and campaigns to Bat Red Core and VP modpack ?
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2021, 09:55:24 AM »

Most campaigns you will find here (and other sites as well for that matter) will include install instructions in the readme. Typically the campaign/mission(s) will be formatted so that you just unzip the download, then copy the Missions folder into your root game directory. Oftentimes they mission builder will include a paintschemes folder as well. Once loaded, you simply choose the nationality of the campaign, then choose it from the list

A sample Readme install instruction:

This campaign was written and tested using the SAS BAT and VP mod packs. For information, see:

•   BAT: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,53691.0.html
•   VP modpack: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,50919.0.html

The campaign may also be compatible with other modded IL-2 systems, though I have not personally tested any others.  .
Requires Canon’s English Channel map, which is provided as part of the mod packs.
1.   Decompress the zipped 303_Squadron.zip file to a temporary directory.
2.   Copy the decompressed Missions folder and the PaintSchemes folder to your IL-2 1946 root folder.
3.   Open the campaign as a RAF Pilot.



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Re: Adding missions and campaigns to Bat Red Core and VP modpack ?
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2021, 12:08:04 PM »

Thanks for the reply Sir. I wanted to get the BAT single mission community packs. Can i just use what is for the WAW as i have only Red Core and updates installed ? What is DGen ? and what does it do ? Thanks from a dummy ! Regards,Scott

Andy H

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Re: Adding missions and campaigns to Bat Red Core and VP modpack ?
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2021, 01:52:24 PM »

They're a good start. So many missions and campaigns out there, you'll be spoilt for choice. It can all look a bit daunting, but a lot of them will work in WAW. The odds are that if you're curious about a specific campaign, someone here will know all about it - you'll probably end up getting to know what to expect from certain campaign makers, some of them regularly look in here and are very helpful, only too pleased to get queries and feedback. 

Have you got a specific interest/theatre/aircraft in mind? Someone here will point you in the direction of a good German Eastern Front campaign, or a U.S Navy pacific one for example.  :)

sixstrings, eh? Geetar related?


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Re: Adding missions and campaigns to Bat Red Core and VP modpack ?
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2021, 03:10:11 PM »

Guitar is my other hobby. Interested in all WWII Theaters of Operation. That is why i currently have 11 expansions of CFS3. BAT covers it all and that is what i like the most about this sim. Do like flying for the Axis the most. The community pack should keep me busy for a long,long time for sure. It is a little overwhelming with all this content ! I just want missions for WAW and this seems to fit my thinking with the community packs. Are there still missions for VP modpack-(still one of my favorites) and where do i find them? Tired of QMB and want to spend more quality time with IL-2 '46 . Been into CFS3 and Falcon 4.0 BMS too much and been lazy with IL-2 '46. This has to be the Best WWII air combat sim ever ,thanks to the hard work of others just for us to enjoy. How great is that ! Regards,Scott

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Re: Adding missions and campaigns to Bat Red Core and VP modpack ?
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2021, 03:33:18 PM »

BAT and VP catered for here -


Yes - all this flight simming eats into my twangin' time  :)


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Re: Adding missions and campaigns to Bat Red Core and VP modpack ?
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2021, 05:08:01 AM »

hi sixstrings.

First of all, VP and BAT missions are not necessarily compatible. VP development stopped long time ago and it contains significant differences nowadays that make missions often incompatible. be your own chairman.

Also, a word of advice:
Make yourself familiar with the folder structure inside "Missions" and "PaintSchemes".
Seriously, it is not complicated but once you see what is what and what must go where and why, it becomes all so much more self explanatory, and you can sort things out for yourself easily.
.mis and .properties files are nothing to be afraid of. These are just fancy named txt files that can be opened and looked at with any text editor.

Oftentimes they mission builder will include a paintschemes folder as well. Once loaded, you simply choose the nationality of the campaign, then choose it from the list

Some modders, namely a certain Poltava guy ( ;) ), have a nasty habit though. They put the skins inside their mission folder in the download (for godknowswhat reason). If you do not navigate there and pull them out and put them into the correct places, you will not get to see those skins in the campaign.


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Re: Adding missions and campaigns to Bat Red Core and VP modpack ?
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2021, 08:03:14 AM »

Thanks VP for showing the way and me not be so intimidated now. Will study the sim file structure and get aquainted with them. Have to start somewhere. Looking into the BAT Single Mission Community Packs for my BAT Red Core expansion. They seem sorted and so many it will keep me busy for years.LoL ! For VP modpack i'll search for relative missions.(VP modpack is still a classic expansion and love QMB in it) Thanks everybody for the help,just didn't want mess things up. Regards,Scott


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Re: Adding missions and campaigns to Bat Red Core and VP modpack ?
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2021, 09:05:33 AM »

Thanks VP for showing the way and me not be so intimidated now. Will study the sim file structure and get aquainted with them. Have to start somewhere. Looking into the BAT Single Mission Community Packs for my BAT Red Core expansion. They seem sorted and so many it will keep me busy for years.LoL ! For VP modpack i'll search for relative missions.(VP modpack is still a classic expansion and love QMB in it) Thanks everybody for the help,just didn't want mess things up. Regards,Scott

It occurs to one that since Vampire_Pilot is "VP", then technically, BAT would be the new VP pack.... :D 8)


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Re: Adding missions and campaigns to Bat Red Core and VP modpack ?
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2021, 02:29:26 PM »

Good one SAS~CirX !  Installed the four single mission community packs and the skin package for BAT Red Core-WAW and tested. Success !! Was WAY simple. I was just intimidated with a unfamiliar file structure. Been into CFS3 since the beginning and i can say, without a doubt, IL-2 '46 is a lot less tedious than CFS3. Sometimes i have to do a little Louisiana Voodoo just to install the simplest things in CFS3 ! What a breath of fresh air ! Did i mention that every IL-'46 expansion i installed has been very stable. This has to be,with all the hard work put into it, the BEST WWII air combat sim ever done to date. Thanks to all the Modders !  Regards,Scott
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