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Author Topic: WxTech's Effects v1  (Read 17502 times)

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Re: WxTech's Effects v1
« Reply #72 on: July 22, 2021, 01:46:07 PM »

I also have a heavily modded DBW install with GurnerFX; should your mod work with DBW ? I suppose to check it I have to disable all GurnerFX mod (put a - before) ? or maybe I can only place your mod higher in the mod folder ?

Lastly, in the first post you write about GurnerFX, does it mean there are (or will be) a replication of GurnerFX effects for 4.12 ?

A great thank you for your help

You don't necessarily *have* to delete or disable your other effects mods.

First, try my pack placed above any other effects-based stuff. In this way, any elements I may not address but which are present in other mods will still be utilized. There could be differences in appearance, however, if two or more mods use .mat files having the same name but using different looking textures. The 'primary' mod (highest alphamumerically in the folder list) will have its texture replace the other.

As for GurnerFX, I merely 'stole' some Java methods from its Explosions.class. I may get round to enabling them, but only in the context of my own mod. Which is quite enough work already.  ;)  I have no plans to update GurnerFX in its own right.


P.S. It's such YT vids as the one you linked to in your next post which help to inform me in my effect design process.
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Re: WxTech's Effects v1
« Reply #73 on: August 01, 2021, 05:32:41 PM »

Update on the work under way for the next release, which will be v1.1. Coming reasonably soon!

I've just ported over from my 4.12.2 modact install the work I had done on trains. It was based around an existing new train mod, which appears to have been incorporated into BAT.

I added to the wagons a new hook called "Damage", located typically around mid-wagon. The existing damage fire and smokes were usually tied to the hooks called "Select1" and/or "Select2", which are the couplers that hook cars together. It looks weird to see a destroyed wagon belching smoke from a coupler! Now the flames and smoke are emitted more sensibly from mid-wagon. Furthermore, these Damage hooks have the emit direction pointing straight up, as opposed to the usual horizontal orientation for the couplers. This allows me to control the behaviour of long-lasting smoke, for a better conformance to reality.

I added additional effects, to get more interesting action. For the oil cars, for instance, you get a nice fireball, with thick black smoke and a good fire, the smoke thinning out after a while.

There are no more of the ridiculous instances of one destroyed wagon taking out most or all of a train in quick succession as car after car goes up about every half second or so. Lordy, but did that bug me for years! No more easy, super destruction by killing a whole train with a squirt of lead into just one boxcar; now you have to actually hit every wagon you want to take out. (Bombs, of course, still have their lethality that can wreck numerous wagons at a stroke.)
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. - Hyman Rickover (but probably predating his use.)


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Re: WxTech's Effects v1
« Reply #74 on: August 04, 2021, 06:40:57 PM »

I just reduced the Wind value for ground smokes from 15 to 10. Much better!

Because the game applies the 'effects wind' in such a way that it varies randomly to as low as zero velocity, at my previous value of 15 the difference in speeds was horribly apparent. Now the differences are smaller, and so the smokes suffer less of this 'hiccup' aspect. And they have a more stately motion, being not so hurried.

Of course, by reducing the speed to 2/3 the previous value, the particle live times were increased accordingly, by factor 1.5, so that the smoke column retains the same length. And the emit frequency was reduced to 2/3 the old value so that the particle count remains the same.

Getting better...
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. - Hyman Rickover (but probably predating his use.)


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Re: WxTech's Effects v1
« Reply #75 on: August 05, 2021, 08:51:07 AM »

WxTech I wondered would it be possible to incorporate japancats boiling fire effects on damaged fuel trucks another effect I would like to see if it’s possible would be enhanced flashes from ammo strikes on planes and buildings, these aren’t in the nature of criticism by the way I’m more than happy with what you’ve already done, and think this is a beautifully considered piece of work,just thought would suggest improvements along those lines. Many many thanks for what you’ve already given us, Kev.


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Re: WxTech's Effects v1
« Reply #76 on: August 05, 2021, 12:30:41 PM »

I already do apply a boiling fire effect on fuel trucks, as a brief fireball, and at a 50% probability with a more common type of fireball effect. My aim was some variety, instead of using the same effect everywhere, all the time.

The dynamic fireball you refer to is a texel, or animation, of 27 images, running at 30 or 15 fps. I'm not sure what impact having a dozen  or more of these things going at once, and continually for many seconds, would be. Does JCat implement these so as to be the fuel truck fire that is seen for longer that a few brief seconds?

I use the fireball briefly, to suggest an initial balloning fire that fades after 3-4 seconds, taken over by a more conventional representation of flames licking upward.

By the way, I use this fireball texel on train oil cars as well. And randomly for stationary planes.  ;)

As to enhanced flashes. Currently there is not much division between ammo effects. The scheme in Explosions.class has long differentiated between calibers in a relatively small number of steps, where some overlap occurs. The hit effects invoked are based by the power, either via the Power value in the weapon class (this is used for effects on plane hits) or the calculated hit power (used for ground hits.) My understanding of how all this works in a holistic way is weak. But I have added to this range for plane hits, better differentiating between hit effects at the small caliber end.

Not all ammo yields a similar hit flash on impact, and unless there is some dedicated class for such an effect, there is the danger of having some gunfire in the affected calibre/power range exhibiting an unrealistic manifestation of hit flashes.

Not to say that there isn't a way to implement this, but it might require some re-jigging in a significant way. A potential project down the road.
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. - Hyman Rickover (but probably predating his use.)


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Re: WxTech's Effects v1
« Reply #77 on: August 05, 2021, 06:39:40 PM »

thanks for your reply WxTECH i have been reviewing your effects on these very same things i mentioned and i must say they are still very good effects, has i stated earlier, not a criticism of your work more a general guide along a path im sure you are already looking, your effects package is second to none i await your next update with eager anticipation, again my thanks for this wonderfull package, kev.


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Re: WxTech's Effects v1
« Reply #78 on: August 09, 2021, 09:09:48 AM »

the boiling fire is one of the most realistic effect see many dogfight in the pacific


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Re: WxTech's Effects v1
« Reply #79 on: August 09, 2021, 09:12:52 AM »

i have add. this pack in my engine mod worked very fine the smoke white and black of wxtech is much more realistic many thanxs wxtech i have appreciated your fantastic job


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Re: WxTech's Effects v1
« Reply #80 on: August 09, 2021, 05:32:21 PM »

Another effects image.

Un saludo.


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Re: WxTech's Effects v1
« Reply #81 on: August 12, 2021, 07:17:56 PM »

My v1.1 version has been released today, Aug 12, 2021, and is available in this thread:

Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. - Hyman Rickover (but probably predating his use.)


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Re: WxTech's Effects v1
« Reply #82 on: August 13, 2021, 04:06:03 AM »

Thanks again WxTech!


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Re: WxTech's Effects v1
« Reply #83 on: October 27, 2021, 11:46:51 AM »

 :)   Hei WxTech do you think it is possible to find a way to move objects or characters vertically in the game environments as happens for example with flames, smoke and lights? Maybe copying the directories that allow the lights for example to stop at the necessary height with the F5 key and this without having to create object files by manipulating only the specifications in the Static folder .. this implies the creation of additional multitudes of objects at different heights from the ground , really too much stuff now that we have an object archive of two or three thousand pieces!   ;)

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