I already do apply a boiling fire effect on fuel trucks, as a brief fireball, and at a 50% probability with a more common type of fireball effect. My aim was some variety, instead of using the same effect everywhere, all the time.
The dynamic fireball you refer to is a texel, or animation, of 27 images, running at 30 or 15 fps. I'm not sure what impact having a dozen or more of these things going at once, and continually for many seconds, would be. Does JCat implement these so as to be the fuel truck fire that is seen for longer that a few brief seconds?
I use the fireball briefly, to suggest an initial balloning fire that fades after 3-4 seconds, taken over by a more conventional representation of flames licking upward.
By the way, I use this fireball texel on train oil cars as well. And randomly for stationary planes.
As to enhanced flashes. Currently there is not much division between ammo effects. The scheme in Explosions.class has long differentiated between calibers in a relatively small number of steps, where some overlap occurs. The hit effects invoked are based by the power, either via the Power value in the weapon class (this is used for effects on plane hits) or the calculated hit power (used for ground hits.) My understanding of how all this works in a holistic way is weak. But I have added to this range for plane hits, better differentiating between hit effects at the small caliber end.
Not all ammo yields a similar hit flash on impact, and unless there is some dedicated class for such an effect, there is the danger of having some gunfire in the affected calibre/power range exhibiting an unrealistic manifestation of hit flashes.
Not to say that there isn't a way to implement this, but it might require some re-jigging in a significant way. A potential project down the road.