Yes, I do love those odd types, not least those from the mid-war years! And I adore the Art Deco, Blixt Gordon-ish look of the Breda Ba.27 "Metallico", so much that I made a small campaign for that little beauty of

This is a 6-mission static campaign where you take the role of an Italian mercenary pilot, flying the Breda Ba.27 "Metallico" for the Chinese Airforce against the Japanese. (Italy, as well as Germany, at this stage supplied the Kuomintang regime of Chiang Kai-chek with materiel and advisors. Against cash, of course.) The Year is 1937, and the Sino-Japanese war has just started. You are based on an airfield on the coast of the Chinese mainland, a bit south of Shanghai. The campaign makes use of a number of randomizers, meaning that things like the weather, the time of day and the strength of the opposition will vary. If you replay it will probably not be exactly the same.
You can download it here: campaign is based on history. (Of sorts.) The Breda 27 was turned down by the Regia Aeronautica, and also offered to Norway (!) but was eventually bought by the Chinese Central Government. Of the 18 aircraft ordered 11 were delivered (in 1936), these being assigned to the 29th Pursuit Sqn at Canton.
Some shiny screenies here:

Thanks for looking, and most of all: thanks to ZFlyer for this lovely little gem!