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Author Topic: Drive on Bilbao - New Campaign for BAT!  (Read 1273 times)

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Drive on Bilbao - New Campaign for BAT!
« on: May 23, 2021, 04:10:57 AM »

This one should perhaps really be in the TGA module, but as the latest version was built for WAW it stays here:

This is a semi-historical, 8-mission static campaign, set in the months of March to June 1937 during the Spanish Civil War, portraying the fighting in the air during the important Nationalist offensive in northern Spain. You are a pilot in the German "Legion Condor", sent by Hitler to assist the Nationalist side. You are first flying the Heinkel He51 biplane, but will soon switch to the very new and very modern Luftwaffe monoplane fighter, the Bf109!

You can download it here: https://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=1811

By September 1936 the Nationalists under Franco had cut off the Republican controlled areas in northern Spain from the French border and from the rest of Spain. To conquer and control this northern region would be very profitable through its valuable resources, and at the same time the crushing of this large Republican enclave meant that the Nationalists could concentrate their forces in what in essence would be a two-front war. (By this time Franco realized that Madrid, the capital, was not going to be conquered quickly.)

It was not just the Basque countries rich resources that made them a tempting target. Also, the Republicans in the north was weakened by struggles between Basque nationalists and leftists. Furthermore its major supplies came by sea. Franco ordered to his commanders in the Madrid front to go on the defensive and send all available resources to the north. The Nationalist offensive started in late March 1937. In June, after fierce fighting, Bilbao fell. After this it was just a matter of time before the rest of the northern enclave would be crushed.

This was perhaps the turning point of the whole war. With the conquest of the North the Nationalist controlled the 36 per cent of the Spanish industrial production, 60 per cent of the coal and all the steel production. The Republic had lost the Army of the North (more than 200,000 soldiers). It now looked impossible for the Republic to win a complete military victory. And Franco decided to start a new offensive against Madrid…

Some shiny screenies here:

Thanks for looking!  :)

PS. Now there is only ONE of my old campaigns left to be coverted to BAT!  :woohoo_dancing_banana:
Oleksii Tsykhaniuk & Ihor Prokopiuk May 29 2023


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Re: Drive on Bilbao - New Campaign for BAT!
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2021, 12:58:19 PM »

Thank you Poltava!!!


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Re: Drive on Bilbao - New Campaign for BAT!
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2021, 09:48:37 AM »

PS. Now there is only ONE of my old campaigns left to be coverted to BAT!  :woohoo_dancing_banana:

Congratulations Poltava, almost there!  ]thumbsup[

Many thanks for all campaign conversions for BAT.   :)
vonOben's Flight Sim Mods  http://vonoben.free.fr/ Twenty Years online January 3, 2022!
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