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Author Topic: Battle for Tunisia - The RAF Story  (Read 3895 times)

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Re: Battle for Tunisia - The RAF Story
« Reply #12 on: December 02, 2021, 05:12:12 AM »

Ok, below is the link to the log.lst file, Vampire.  But it looks like a disaster.  Maybe I screwed up the install of BAT v4.1 and BAT v4.2?

Here is what I did...

My BAT v4.0 installation had this path...

E:\IL-2 1946 BAT v4.0 Red Core\IL-2 1946 Sturmovik\

So I pointed the installers at "E:\IL-2 1946 BAT v4.0 Red Core\" when it asked where my Red Core installation was.  Should I have pointed the installers at "E:\IL-2 1946 BAT v4.0 Red Core\IL-2 1946 Sturmovik\"

If that's not it, then I'm stumped and need help.

Thanks so much for your help!

log.lst file --->  https://pastebin.com/TmBaTTtA


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Re: Battle for Tunisia - The RAF Story
« Reply #13 on: December 02, 2021, 05:23:57 AM »

My BAT v4.0 installation had this path...

E:\IL-2 1946 BAT v4.0 Red Core\IL-2 1946 Sturmovik\

So I pointed the installers at "E:\IL-2 1946 BAT v4.0 Red Core\" when it asked where my Red Core installation was.  Should I have pointed the installers at "E:\IL-2 1946 BAT v4.0 Red Core\IL-2 1946 Sturmovik\"

Yes of course you should have. How you could get such an idea is beyond me though.
It's like asking "I pointed the installers at "E:\" when it asked where my Red Core installation was"

It makes no sense.

Also, you must have seen on launch that your version never changed...

Just delete the junk in the wrong place and install 4.1 and 4.2 again - just into the right place this time :)


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Re: Battle for Tunisia - The RAF Story
« Reply #14 on: December 02, 2021, 08:38:36 AM »

Working fine in my 4.2. But mostly I just wanted to say thanks to Poltava. Looking forward to your next project.  ]thumbsup[
A ya tsi-tsalagi.

David Prosser

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Re: Battle for Tunisia - The RAF Story
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2021, 01:44:56 PM »

Well done. It gave me some ideas for the parts of an FAA campaign that will be set there. I'll take some notes.


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Re: Battle for Tunisia - The RAF Story
« Reply #16 on: December 02, 2021, 09:01:56 PM »

I somehow missed this, so I'm happy the thread was "bumped".
I love the trigger messages. Thank you, from the bottom of my
weak ole' heart.
"When you have to kill a man, it costs nothing to be polite." Winston Churchill


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Re: Battle for Tunisia - The RAF Story
« Reply #17 on: December 03, 2021, 01:37:06 AM »

Hi Vampire,

Ok, I reinstalled everything from a clean 4.12.2 starting with Red Core, then Blue Edge, and finally Flashpoint plus the Flashpoint hotfix.  And when I launch v4.2 Flashpoint using the selector I see it listed on the initial loading screen.  Then I tried to fly the first mission of this Tunisia campaign, and I still end up with a wall of dirt next to me, and the rest water and sky.  Could you please take a look at this log file and let me know what's wrong.  It's full of errors...


If you want me to move this post to the technical difficulties section, just let me know.


P.S.  I have a perfectly running BAT Pegasus install that I flew a couple missions in today.  Pegasus has always been rock solid for me, but I can't get off the ground with Flashpoint.

System specs:
Windows 10
Intel i9-10900K CPU
nVidia 2070 Super
Tons of unused disk space (2 x 2GB SSD, 1 x 4GB HDD)

...on which BAT Pegasus is running smooth as silk.


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Re: Battle for Tunisia - The RAF Story
« Reply #18 on: December 03, 2021, 02:06:59 AM »

shoresroad, you are on outdated territory and will run into compatibility issues sooner or later.
You cannot update from Pegasus directly to Flashpoint. If you tried that, you have messed up.

The log shows weird errors that look like a messed up system. Whatever you are loading there is not a normal BAT 4.2



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Re: Battle for Tunisia - The RAF Story
« Reply #19 on: December 03, 2021, 02:47:54 PM »

I didn't update from Pegasus.  I started from 4.12.2m, then went --> Red Core --> Blue Edge --> Flashpoint --> Flashpoint Hotfix

I'll go back a step further and try again.  My oldest version is 4.10m that I'm pretty sure came from GOG.  I'm going to try...

4.10m --> SAS IL-2 4.12.2m Mega Patch --> Red Core --> Blue Edge --> Flashpoint --> Flashpoint Hotfix

Thanks for talking this through with me, as you've given me an idea of what to try next   :)


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Re: Battle for Tunisia - The RAF Story
« Reply #20 on: December 03, 2021, 03:29:15 PM »

P.S.  I just checked my GOG account, and I've got both 4.13.4m and 4.10m with them.  So, I'm downloading both versions again just in case my hard drive stored versions have become corrupted.

I'm updating to Flashpoint from my stored 4.10m version as I explained above, and if that doesn't work, I'll extract the new 4.10m download from GOG and try again with it.

Cheers!  :)


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Re: Battle for Tunisia - The RAF Story
« Reply #21 on: December 03, 2021, 05:49:34 PM »

That did it, Vampire.  Starting from v4.10m and upgrading from there worked, and I've got Flashpoint up and running with the first mission of this campaign!  Something must be wrong with my v4.12.2m stored on my hard drive, so I deleted it.

Thanks!   ]salut[
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