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Author Topic: IL-2 1946: Iwo Jima WIP  (Read 1233 times)

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Clint Watters

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IL-2 1946: Iwo Jima WIP
« on: July 03, 2021, 01:43:50 PM »

Hello guys, Clint here, working on a new video.
Thought I'd do Iwo Jima for this one.
In my mind I have a sunny sunset with planes flying by the huge column of ships on their way to Iwo Jima.
Next part is the battle. Might also do a "sad after battle part" but I'm not sure about that yet.
I'm still trying to decide what music to use... this is always the toughest decision.
Also I'd like to use the game sounds (victor soundmod) but I'm not sure if I'll do that.
So far looks like it's gonna be Mr Hans Zimmer for the music though.

Besides, I've got a few questions about the battle if you guys could help me out here?

To my knowledge the US only used F4U's to attack the island, but were there any other aircrafts? bombers bombing before the feet arrived?
Japs didn't have any zero's counter attacking during the invasion correct?
Sure would like to know all the details if there are any history nerds out there reading this.
I don't want to have any aircraft left out. I love the F4U corsair but would love to see some other planes getting some love.

Can't wait to finish this! I want to make at epic as I can but it's not easy. There are lots of graphical bugs because of the intensity of the smoke and explosions.
Mount suribatchi is clipping white sometimes which doesn't help  ;D

Anyway, please let me know what you think, thoughts, ideas, anything.
Thanks !



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Re: IL-2 1946: Iwo Jima WIP
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2021, 01:47:15 PM »

Awesome!! Can't wait till it's finished!  ;)


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Re: IL-2 1946: Iwo Jima WIP
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2021, 03:02:55 PM »

B-24Js of 7th AF out of the Marianas did a lot of the pre-bombardment.

PBJs (Marines flying B-25s) out of Saipan helped interdict shipping going to Iwo in the softening up stages.

F4Us, SB2Cs, and TBM/Fs provided the majority of CAS.

There were 12 carriers and 17 escort carriers, I would think that every imaginable naval aircraft (operational at the time) would have had some impact.  I would focus on the corsairs, helldivers, and avengers for CAS.  I remember reading somewhere that L-5s or L-4s were flown off of escort carriers to provide a primitive type of FAC.  This article says they were L-5, or OYs (naval L-5s).

You could end it with a shot up B-29 coming in to land.  Just fly a B-29 past an enemy destroyer or spawn some enemy planes to shoot it up for some damage and then capture the "dramatic landing."

Correct there was no air opposition to the landings.  One of the main points for taking the island was that Japanese aircraft would try to intercept the B-29s coming out of Marianas and the early warning would alert the home land.  Samurai by Saburo Sakai has a chapter on flying out of Iwo Jima in mid-late 1944 and a battle where he alone with only one eye (the other was shot out at Guadalcanal) flew against 15 hellcats and survived without a scratch and returned to Iwo Jima.
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Re: IL-2 1946: Iwo Jima WIP
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2021, 06:32:14 AM »

Dear Clint….
I've already seen your last film and commented on it. He made a big impression on me. In the meantime I've been in the forum a little longer and I think I've shown that I'm not a show-off or a know-it-all. If I didn't think Sturmovik was great, I wouldn't be with you. But now allow me to comment on a particular circumstance for which you are probably not to blame. But it has a strong influence on the atmosphere of the films. As I said, this is just my personal opinion. The clouds. If you are in or close to the clouds, they are great. But if you have a wide sky, there are isolated, almost identical cotton balls like from a children's book. They are totally undramatic and unfortunately look unproffesional. In contrast to your clouds of smoke. Fantastic real. I suppose it is not because of the modders but rather because Sturmovik can also be played on average computers. Probably a matter of resolution and data processing. I also believe that the current concept cannot be changed. But maybe you can avoid such images through a certain direction. As I said, it's just a personal opinion and maybe I'm wrong. Your last film was still great and I suppose this one will be too.
Matthias :)
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Clint Watters

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Re: IL-2 1946: Iwo Jima WIP
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2021, 11:46:21 AM »

F4Us, SB2Cs, and TBM/Fs provided the majority of CAS.

Thank you I'm sure I'll be using some of those planes.

PBJs (Marines flying B-25s) out of Saipan helped interdict shipping going to Iwo in the softening up stages.

I'd love to put this into the video but it's going to take me a lot of time to put this together.
Since you posted all this info it got me rethinking of the whole video.

Took me the whole day to set the pre-bombardement island with the pack of B-24's
Will be ready to record that part soon.

You could end it with a shot up B-29 coming in to land.  Just fly a B-29 past an enemy destroyer or spawn some enemy planes to shoot it up for some damage and then capture the "dramatic landing."
I might do that as a bonus part hehe  :P
Thank for all the information Geschirrspülmaschine19 I appreciate it !

The clouds. If you are in or close to the clouds, they are great. But if you have a wide sky, there are isolated, almost identical cotton balls like from a children's book. They are totally undramatic and unfortunately look unproffesional.
Well that's unfortunate because I think those clouds are the best ones I've ever had ! They're Bender's Ultimate Environement which let's me choose between around 45 different cloud textures and about 20 sky textures.
Now I'll admit, in this bender mod you will find some very non-realistic clouds that look very cartoony, but the ones I have are one of the "smooth" ones imo.
But hey, maybe I missed a good cloud mod, do you have any cloud mod you could recommend me?
Cheers !


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Re: IL-2 1946: Iwo Jima WIP
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2021, 01:36:14 PM »

No, I can't recommend a cloud mod to you. I also don't want to get involved in your artistic work with recommendations. This is your work and respect it and I still have very little idea of ​​what is self-evident for you. I take it as it comes and I am happy when I succeed in a carrier landing, provided the Japs have left me alive.
I am sure with your feeling for colors and shape you will get an optimal solution and maybe I should shut up. But as I speak of you right now. Little question. The box that shows if I'm online never turns green. Even now or when I'm online. Am i a ghost now?
Tried a lot in the profile. Do you know the right button? Thanks for your patient answer ;D
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Clint Watters

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Re: IL-2 1946: Iwo Jima WIP
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2021, 12:50:30 AM »

No, I can't recommend a cloud mod to you. I also don't want to get involved in your artistic work with recommendations. This is your work and respect it and I still have very little idea of ​​what is self-evident for you.
I appreciate your open mind about the whole thing, reading this I feel you understand what I'm going through while making these videos. Too bad about the cloud mod !
We need to keep in mind this is an old 2001 game, nothing looks super realistic. We do with the best we have hehe  ;D
maybe I should shut up.
You're too tough on yourself my friend !
The box that shows if I'm online never turns green. Even now or when I'm online. Am i a ghost now?
I guess you are a ghost!
The right button? no but I know my right nut feels a bit cold right now... probably a ghost passing by...  :P


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Re: IL-2 1946: Iwo Jima WIP
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2021, 04:11:07 AM »

Good sense of humor. I feel in good hands with you. Will now push my nuts too. Maybe then I will become visible. You'll hear the scream when it goes wrong.
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Clint Watters

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Re: IL-2 1946: Iwo Jima WIP
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2021, 05:09:34 AM »

Will now push my nuts too. Maybe then I will become visible. You'll hear the scream when it goes wrong.

I'll keep my personnal umbrella with me then o_O

Hans-Joachim Marseille

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Re: IL-2 1946: Iwo Jima WIP
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2021, 05:49:07 AM »

As for clouds I always have returned to WxTech's Big Cloud-Mod. Imo the best.  ;)
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Re: IL-2 1946: Iwo Jima WIP
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2021, 09:24:17 AM »

Master Clint. As I saw in these fotos, your work looks incredible as we know.

Talking about the clouds. I think that you need to choose exactly wich kind of cloud you will find in certain period of the day. They look like stratocumulous, and I think that  you will find these clouds in the afternoon. Not in the morning or sunset. Did I say correclty? I´m from argetinian Patagonia, it´s not the same weather than Pacific, but Im inside a little bit on aviation and that idea came instantly to my head.

We are expecting your work!!

Be safe!
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