Hello guys, Clint here, working on a new video.
Thought I'd do Iwo Jima for this one.
In my mind I have a sunny sunset with planes flying by the huge column of ships on their way to Iwo Jima.
Next part is the battle. Might also do a "sad after battle part" but I'm not sure about that yet.
I'm still trying to decide what music to use... this is always the toughest decision.
Also I'd like to use the game sounds (victor soundmod) but I'm not sure if I'll do that.
So far looks like it's gonna be Mr Hans Zimmer for the music though.
Besides, I've got a few questions about the battle if you guys could help me out here?
To my knowledge the US only used F4U's to attack the island, but were there any other aircrafts? bombers bombing before the feet arrived?
Japs didn't have any zero's counter attacking during the invasion correct?
Sure would like to know all the details if there are any history nerds out there reading this.
I don't want to have any aircraft left out. I love the F4U corsair but would love to see some other planes getting some love.
Can't wait to finish this! I want to make at epic as I can but it's not easy. There are lots of graphical bugs because of the intensity of the smoke and explosions.
Mount suribatchi is clipping white sometimes which doesn't help

Anyway, please let me know what you think, thoughts, ideas, anything.
Thanks !