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Author Topic: WW2 aircraft refueling on airstrips?  (Read 3322 times)

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WW2 aircraft refueling on airstrips?
« on: July 06, 2021, 12:22:55 PM »

Most airports can only be used if they are the subject of a mission. If I fly longer distances to fly to airports in the Pacific outside of a mission, I will inevitably fail at some point due to a lack of  fuel. I have to restart my mission at the departure airport. Is it possible to supply your aircraft with new fuel without having to interrupt the game and return to the old starting position? Thanks for respons.
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Re: WW2 aircraft refueling on airstrips?
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2021, 12:44:30 PM »

If you are not worried about realism or historical accuracy then you can, I believe, change the game settings so that your plane never runs out of fuel.

Not sure what you mean by "outside of a mission".  Are you creating missions that are so long that you need a re-fuelling stop?  A lot of the Pacific USN fighters (depending on the type/year) can use drop tanks which extend the range.
Perhaps one of the experts will have a solution or point to a mod but I'm not sure in Offline or Coop WW2 missions if there is a refuelling option.



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Re: WW2 aircraft refueling on airstrips?
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2021, 03:49:43 PM »

Hi Flieger,

What form of IL-2 do you have ? I use a self built modpack that uses the Visual Mod 9 package from benitomuso
see link on  https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,42495.0.html

Using the Game option with your plane parked and chocks in you can refuel and rearm - if this is what you want.

The only issue I have had with it is that adds a complete load of whatever you started with  - irrespective of what was used, and will add again if you R&R again!. A Lancaster at 80 tons all up weight didn't roll so well.


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Re: WW2 aircraft refueling on airstrips?
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2021, 04:27:36 PM »

First to tomoose. ”Outside of Mission“ means I take a plane and wants to explore all the Solomon Islands airfields. So I'm not flying a finished campaign, but an imagined mission with the standard mission editor. If the fuel is all I want to supply the plane with fuel again at an airfeald and continue to fly. Let this go on in real time for a few days. Let stand overnight and fly on the next day. For example, I was thinking of a DC 3. But it can also be a Corsair. Only the reserve tanks will not be sufficient for this.
To Matz. I'm currently playing WAW in RED CORE. I only want to fly my mission with small planes, not bombers. I don't want to build my own missions. I can not do that. I'm struggling with the standards right now. The missions offered will last me for the rest of my life. But I'll look at your suggestion from benitomuso. Maybe that's what I imagine. But what is R&R?
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Re: WW2 aircraft refueling on airstrips?
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2021, 06:00:25 PM »

oops - R&R is usually Rest and Recuperation, but here I meant Refuel and Rearm. (Note to self - don't use abbrev's you haven't explained  ;) )

I think you will surprise yourself in how far you will get if you have the passion for this flying thing - and (I hope I am correct here) most mods can be added to BAT / Red Core etc - if they are not already built in....



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Re: WW2 aircraft refueling on airstrips?
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2021, 06:22:44 PM »

You can also do this by using a Dogfight format mission , and manipulating the available aircraft
and loadouts at each Homebase.



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Re: WW2 aircraft refueling on airstrips?
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2021, 04:03:52 AM »

Thank you Tomoos and Matz thank you Kopfdorfer. Your suggestions sound fantastic. What have I overlooked and given away in terms of experiences so far. So allow me to ask one more stupid question. What is a 'Dogfight format' and how do I activate it? Often read about it in the forum but never thought about it. Maybe I am using it without knowing it. I used to just want to fly. Since I've been with SAS, it's been exciting to learn because that's when the ingenuity and breadth of the game really opens up to me. I am grateful for your patience.
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Re: WW2 aircraft refueling on airstrips?
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2021, 06:54:25 AM »

Kopfdorfer is referring to the online Dogfight mode.  This essentially is human player(s) versus human player(s) (i.e. no AI aircraft....although I'm not sure if there has been a mod to allow AI aircraft).  You can customize map/mission for Dogfight and simply fly it yourself (i.e. you don't need to have other players join you).  In Dogfight mode, if you get shot down/destroyed then you immediately respawn at your homebase refuelled/rearmed and simply takeoff again.  No waiting for the mission to reload etc.

Online Coop on the other hand is less free-for-all and is scripted/designed missions which can involve AI enemy and/or friendly but as you probably know if you get shot down/destroyed then you have to reboot the mission to restart.

Hope that makes sense.


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Re: WW2 aircraft refueling on airstrips?
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2021, 06:57:56 AM »

Ah,  Tomoose types quicker than ...

Just one small thing to add - in Multiplayer - even all by yourself you cannot use the Accelerate Time function - if you use that.

Please could you clarify what you mean by "standard mission editor" ? - is this the Full Mission Builder? If so you could create a you create a mission using the Solomons. Put down a few homebases with planes of your choice and bounce around them. There is a good guide to mission building at
(hopefully this is still ok to post)

Even I could understand this guide :)


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Re: WW2 aircraft refueling on airstrips?
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2021, 09:38:21 AM »

Yes , Dogfight Mode is designed for online play , human vs human , but there are no restrictions that prevent
AI aircraft on either or both sides ( Blue/Red).
For various arcane reasons , each mode - Offline SP , Coop (which can also be flown as single player ) and Dogfight Mode ( which can
also be flown as single player ) all have slightly different mission building rules. Too many to list here , but there are many tutorials for Mission Building available here and at other sites (really good archives at M4T).
The key to the centre of this thread is learning to use the Homebase Object and all its functions to manipulate the situation that you are striving for.

Good Luck , and enjoy the Red Pill.



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Re: WW2 aircraft refueling on airstrips?
« Reply #10 on: July 07, 2021, 05:16:39 PM »

No matz. The standard mission builder has the missions scripted through
with Ki. You pick a map, your plane, your buddies and your enemies and try to get through. The simplest form. The other is the full missions builder. That's where you set your whole mission. I don't dare to do it yet. Suddenly I remember. Clearly the dogfight mode is playing online.  But the most promising is the Visual Mod 9 Pack contribution from benitomuso. Recommendation from Matz. I've read it through before. A running pilot, chocks and refueling. Interesting. But I haven't understood everything yet. But I hung in there. Hope he just goes to install. If it works or not, I'll let you know here.
I don't know exactly what you mean by the red pill dear Mr. Kopfdorfer. But you're right. I don't want to get pregnant as long as I don't have my own airport with a fuel station. Sleep well :D
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Re: WW2 aircraft refueling on airstrips?
« Reply #11 on: July 07, 2021, 05:36:43 PM »

Red Pill refers to the film the Matrix.
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