I finally got around to looking at Rocket.class. Sure enough, the code dealing with those two smokes, for motor start and the long-duration tile (2D trail type), was removed. I just grabbed the necessary lines from the 4.12 class and inserted them into the BAT version. Just tested, and all are present now.
The Start smoke, in my estimation, is very worthy to retain. Because one can have a denser smoke cloud during the initial acceleration, before the rocket gets up to a high velocity.
The tile smoke, as currently implemented, seems to be generated for as long the rocket is in flight. If this cannot be altered, it would in some or many cases certainly be unrealistic. The simple workaround is to disable this smoke for those individual rockets, in their classfiles, by setting the tile smoke effect to "null". But then, of course, the filling factor provided by this tile smoke is lost.
In order to not require a very large number of particles for 3D smoke trails, I like the filling factor of the low-resource-consumption 2D smoke buried within. It much reduces the otherwise obvious space between 3D smoke particles. I do this for my plane damage smokes, which also permits a long smoke trail at low cost and which also can fade out rather more gradually.
So, the choices are:
Do I keep the tile smoke for all rockets?
Do I drop the tile smoke altogether?
Do I alter those rocket classes which do not have a long-duration smoke exhaust?
Do I look into changing the .eff assigned to the tile smoke to use particles instead of tiles, and to see if the duration can be made the same as for the existing 3D smoke effect? (This would permit to fill in gaps by use of a different rate of particle emission.)
Any input would be appreciated. Indeed, a list of WW2 rockets which emit smoke for many seconds, or for the duration of their flight, would be most handy.