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Author Topic: Radio/Beacon Navigation  (Read 1586 times)

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Radio/Beacon Navigation
« on: August 05, 2021, 04:45:21 PM »

Am having a heck of a time trying to get radio navigation working using the Bf-110-G2 in BAT 4.13, the AFN-2 gauge refuses to function or show any signs of life. I've got a mission featuring beacons, have realistic navigation turned on, next/previous beacon commands mapped to keys and chose the beacon specified in the mission. I tried all the beacons just in case, no movement on the gauge. I must be doing something wrong, anyone have any ideas?


  • Tsisqua Tsigawonisgi, but you can call me Bird!
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Re: Radio/Beacon Navigation
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2021, 07:17:12 PM »

Am having a heck of a time trying to get radio navigation working using the Bf-110-G2 in BAT 4.13, the AFN-2 gauge refuses to function or show any signs of life. I've got a mission featuring beacons, have realistic navigation turned on, next/previous beacon commands mapped to keys and chose the beacon specified in the mission. I tried all the beacons just in case, no movement on the gauge. I must be doing something wrong, anyone have any ideas?

Hello, Flaurez.
I'm the new moderator, just for this board. I've been going back through posts on the board.
I came across your question here, and wanted to touch base with you, to see if you ever worked
this problem out?

My reply here should bump your question so it isn't missed by our more tech-savvy guys.
Good Luck, Mate!
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Re: Radio/Beacon Navigation
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2021, 10:16:53 AM »

Thanks for checking in tsisqua, no I never did figure it out. Very frustrating. If anyone wants to test here are the missions I used. They are from Niro on the aviaskins forums. (all I did was translate the Russian briefings into English, very badly I'm sure)


I have a sense this navigation is a feature that might not get used very much by the general Il-2 '46 public....


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Re: Radio/Beacon Navigation
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2021, 03:39:33 PM »

Well, I just flew a couple of G2 missions, with the same outcome as you. The radio compass in the B-25 is working, but not the AFN needles in the BF110-G2. Going to ask if this is something the team is aware of.
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Re: Radio/Beacon Navigation
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2021, 06:41:08 PM »

Here are a few places to start.
I can't guarantee how this is affected by BAT as I don't have it installed , but the
fundamentals may help you out.

See pages 28-35 of the version 4.10 Guide.
Available here :  ( hope it's okay to post this link )

Here are some tutorial vids :
Beacon Navigation

YE and YG Navigation

I will check out your sample mission if I can get it working and get back to you.
Might be a few days as personal life is happening hard right now.

Good luck. Using these will open your horizons wide - it's awesome to fly in SH*T conditions.



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Re: Radio/Beacon Navigation
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2021, 09:48:34 PM »

Thanks for chiming in, Kopfdorfer.
  I just tried this in my standard (4.14.1) vanilla game and the G2 AFN2 gauge works just fine. I believe this is
BAT specific. And those videos were the first place I looked when I first saw Flaurez's question, just to make sure that
I wasn't doing something wrong, since I rarely fly the 110, or even do navigation-type missions. The post over at the lounge quickly had over 50 views, so I'm betting that some BAT techs are reproducing the problem, to make sure there actually is a problem.
There will be a solution soon, I'm certain of it. Thanks again for trying to help our guy, here. :)
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Re: Radio/Beacon Navigation
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2021, 10:25:57 PM »

Made some progress guys. It appears to be a problem specific to the Bf-110's and their AFN gauges not working. I tried a random FW-190 and a Bf-109 and the AFN finally springs to life, what a relief. Can also confirm the radio compass in allied planes is working

If it's just a matter of switching planes I can definitely live with that. The 110 is a helluva cool looking plane but it will sadly not serve as my navigational trainer  :P


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Re: Radio/Beacon Navigation
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2021, 07:53:37 AM »

This is good progress.
Which model(s) of the Bf110 are affected in BAT ?
Then we can compare for different versions of the game .



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Re: Radio/Beacon Navigation
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2021, 08:48:50 AM »

Will have to wait till I get home from work later to verify but I tried two other random ones on the list, I believe the last 110 model in the list was among them, exact same results. Could be if all of them are based on or extensions of one originating example they are all affected?

Like I said not a huge deal for me at this point as I can get the same experience with other aircraft. I'd feel bad if too much time was spent fixing this in lieu of other pressing work just to cater to my obsession with turning IL-2 into my own Microsoft-Flight-Simulator-esque combat playground  :)


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Re: Radio/Beacon Navigation
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2021, 09:08:57 AM »

My own opinion ( those of a user only ) is that this type of correction ,
especially if one correction applies over an entire type of aircraft , is significant
and important.
It is up to the skilled modders to decide if it is important to them.



  • Tsisqua Tsigawonisgi, but you can call me Bird!
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Re: Radio/Beacon Navigation
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2021, 11:34:11 AM »

Here's the answer. I suspect it will be fixed, hopefully in the next update. And yes Sir, these class files
will affect every version of that plane. Thank you so much for bringing this up, Flaurez. And thanks for
your help too, KD. I'm with you that this is a very significant aircraft, and should be fixed. Especially if
anyone wishes to to create night missions, or fly them on full real navigation settings.

"When you have to kill a man, it costs nothing to be polite." Winston Churchill


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Re: Radio/Beacon Navigation
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2021, 01:58:36 PM »

Thanks tsisqua! If nothing else hopefully this can raise awareness of this cool aspect the game

Kopfdorfer thank you for posting those videos earlier, they are a wealth of great information. I see the fellow that made the second one also made this one which also seems useful (might as well post here since this post seems like it would make a nice collection point for all this navigational beacon type info)

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