Removing extra space in this line
(before the last zero) didn't help:
Mesh PropL_D0
Parent Engine1_D0
Attaching -1.000000 0 0 0 -1.000000 0 0 0 1 0 -0.622178 0
Why in all the world would you try that?
Attachment coordinates must be in a certain format, 3 sets of 3 vectors and then the absolute coordinates. Removing the space would eliminate one coordinate (z) and therefore render the whole attachment invalid.
Two very powerful engines, both turning the same direction will create excessive torque in Il-2 all the time.
What you can do is to introduce a second engine that turns the other way (only in FM calculation, not visibly) and therefore basically eliminating the torque.
Removing the space did not affect the airframe assembly - checked in the mission.
With fm from the Pe-2, the Ki-108 had the same problem - it was describing takeoff circles on the runway.
Despite the fact that the M-105RF engines have only 1210 hp each.
The game, although ancient, but very accurately reflects the behavior of the aircraft both in the air and on the ground.
Otherwise it wouldn't be a simulator.
But all is well that ends well.
I'll try a new fix.
I think that 3D up to the Ki-108 airframe can still be improved - so as not to put crutches in the FM, which correct the problems of export from 3D Max to Il.
Regards to modders!