Continuing to tweak.
I've rationalized the hit effects for guns, so as to reduce the range of effects for a given calibre. In the stock implementation, a given calibre of projectile could be placed in 2 or even 3 effects groups designed all for different calibres. In other words, the binning scheme was very 'fuzzy', and that's before randomness is introduced as part of the process in assigning effects. For instance, a 12mm projectile previously might invoke no hit effect, or a hit for 7mm, 12mm or 20mm. But I've not straightjacketed hit effects entirely into a rigid binning; there is still some 'blurring of the lines'.
As part of the above, I've better differentiated between 7mm and 12mm class projectiles in their hit effects against planes, ground and water. New code and new effects did this.
For a fair number of smokes, I've slightly reduced the opacity. A denser smoke column suffers worse from the apparent sudden fading at termination. And a bit of transparency is aesthetically more pleasing, as it presents density variation in a smoke column.
For those smokes and fires in the OldSmokes folder, I've got more in line with Dave's Realism effects. Hopefully this will better accord with these effects added into missions over the years.
The stock code in AircraftState.class, for some reason, under certain conditions of a wing fire would drop the creation of the "SPD" version of the heavy damage smoke, drawing only the "TSPD" version. Because I use the 2D trail type smokes for all my TSPD-named effects (as a way to achieve a long, gently fading smoke extension at little cost in resources/computation), it was weird to have only the 2D trail smoke present. To combat this I created a new particle-based SPD effect, it being a less dense version of the usual one. Now there is always the better 3D smoke present with the 2D one, but starting as a thinner smoke, changing to the usual denser smoke with more damage.