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Author Topic: WAW to become WAWPlus divided into three modules (ETO + Atlantic, MTO + Middle East, PTO + Asia)  (Read 775 times)

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Hello everyone,

After reading the discussion at this link:
Extending WAW to 1948

This got me contemplating and I found the most simple, yet flexible solution for everyone here:

What is WAW Plus?
First at all, the idea is to expand WWII from 1946 to include any another conflicts / wars toward end of 1949.  No more than that.  For example, Israel war for independent of 1948 would use WWII aircraft.  This also open the door to many 'what if' WWII extend for a few additional years as well.  Hence World at War "Plus".

Three modules
What kind of module would this divide? Three modules:
Module #1 - Europe + Atlantic Ocean
Module #2 - Mediterranean and Middle East theatre (Africa + Middle East)
Module #3 - Asia + Pacific Theater

Aircraft slot management
All modules keeps full aircraft mods BUT with the changed air.ini to free up the slots for specific theater.  This way, any modders can re-enable certain aircraft to bring another countries' aircraft into another theater.  for example, Japanese plane into Europe as their 'what if'.  However, by standardized way of BAT, the air.ini would divide by disabling / enabling groups of aircraft in this way:

For example, USA: All USAAF would be enabled for Module #1 / 2 while disabling USN aircraft.  However, USN aircraft would be enabled only for Module #3.  Same thing applies with each nations that gets involved with certain theaters.

For minor nations such as Finland, Sweden, and other European nations that only get involved in ATTO + ETO would be enabled in air.ini for that theater only too.

This especially applies to what if aircraft as well, depending on which branches of military they belong to.   Another example,  Germany 1946 projects, they belong to only ETO right? 

This allows many slots to be free up for any another aircraft to be used for certain modules.

This methods would make many people happy because they can customize their own air.ini in their own prefers without losing any aircraft during WAWPlus split.

At the same time, it also would be ideal to create the full list of all available aircraft in notepad (air.ini and plane.properities), grouped by specific nations as reference for any of us who want to modify the air.ini. 

Sea / ground targets / units management
Unlike aircraft management, the ground / sea units / targets / statics get divided up for certain theater.  Would this also help pushing WAWplus even further away from the java wall?

Maps management
As above (Sea / ground targets / units management), the maps also get divided up for specific theater geographically. 


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Re: WAW to become WAWPlus divided into three modules (Different theaters)
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2021, 09:36:26 PM »

I'm still leaning towards splitting it by time period instead of theatre. I like the idea to split the time period of JTW for this reason. Split theatres just feels too limiting, IMO.

One module would be 1936-1943, the next would be 1943-1948, with a respectable amount of overlap for older aircraft and variants that were still in use.


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I'm still leaning towards splitting it by time period instead of theatre. I like the idea to split the time period of JTW for this reason. Split theatres just feels too limiting, IMO.

One module would be 1936-1943, the next would be 1943-1948, with a respectable amount of overlap for older aircraft and variants that were still in use.

Interesting ideas! I see.. This idea is good solution too.

I am glad you like the ideas for the split of JTW module too.



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I have mi custom 4.12 sas 5.30 in the same way. I use various air.ini. with JSME:


My game runs well. Keep on friend.



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God help you if you make a fictional campaign.
The more sensible solution I feel would be to bring more superprops and post-war propeller weirdness into JTW rather than to start slicin' and dicin' WAW into five micromodules that can only really run "bread-and-butter" historical missions. At most, WAW 36-45 and WAW 46-48; any more just seems needless.. even that much feels strong somehow.


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God help you if you make a fictional campaign.
The more sensible solution I feel would be to bring more superprops and post-war propeller weirdness into JTW rather than to start slicin' and dicin' WAW into five micromodules that can only really run "bread-and-butter" historical missions. At most, WAW 36-45 and WAW 46-48; any more just seems needless.. even that much feels strong somehow.

I disagree with 36-45 and 36-48.  As NobleNerd have suggested about 36 - 43 and then 43 - 49 would make sense. By the way, fictional campaign would be great fun as well!  If there is only historical mission without an alternative historical or 'what if' alternative world, then sim would be boring.  That is why I am thankful for SAS community including both historical and alternative history / what if version aircraft.

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