Next milestone for big formations.
So far it's been a try&error game to get the positions for all flights of your squadron right (x/y and altitude) when trying to join them together to a squadron flying in formation.
All flights would eventually reach the right position in the formation after some time, but they would spawn wherever you put them on the map, in the direction of the next waypoint and at speed and altitude set by the mission maker.
Things are a tad easier now.
Northing changes for formations joining somewhere along their way
after spawning.
However, you can now create a big formation by simply setting the path for the lead flight, and add up to 3 further flights to it.
If you join these flights to the lead flight
right on their first (spawn) waypoint, they will automatically be put in the right slot (x/y, altitude, direction and speed) so the whole formation spawns smoothly.
Of course, you can (optionally) add further waypoints to such flights if you wish to, but if you just want to have one big formation staying together for the whole mission, you don't need to anymore.