I DID IT! I even am able to change the color to green (for experimental purpose) by editing both GunFlare .eff and .mat. I realized that 'eff' version is for glowing lights / color while .mat is for the gun firing flash itself. Very interesting!
By the way, I have some suggestions if you are interested in adding for the next version of effect mod pack:
- Wingtip vortex being shakey (no longer linear)
- Vapor effect for hard turning (Fuselage and wing)
- New afterburner effect for jet
- wavy effect behind jet engine (shader)
I knew you'd figure out that muzzle flash stuff.
As for the wingtip vortices, the trail texture I use has a small amount of non-straightness; could be given more, I guess. What little video I've seen of real vortices has tended to exhibit a certain 'stability' of position. There's a portion initially that can have a noticeable deflection from straightness, quickly straightening thereafter. But overall, the stream of vapor tends to be fairly rigidly fixed in position, with no 'wiggle' of note.
The effects I've seen so far using individual so called 3D particles I don't like. They suggest smoke more than they do the smoothly uniform condensation of water vapor.
Whatever you or anyone else has to offer, I'll give it a good look-see!
As for the other jet-specific effects, as I mentioned in the readme file I haven't dealt with those due to being more a prop head. Any decent of these effects that enjoy approval from the jet jockeys I'll happily incorporate.