This squared bow wave is by design. I did mention in the Readme that in BigShipsGeneric that 5be two changes I made are:
- an increase in the time fire and smoke are visible for destroyed ships' guns, and
- A change to the V-shaped bow wave to one of constant width, in 4 sizes based basically upon the ship's turning radius (as a surrogate for width, on the assumption that size scales more or less as the turning circle size.)
I know this looks odd, even ugly, due to the limitation in the way the textures must smoothly join together downstream. Meaning the texture must appear initially at full opacity, making the sharp leading edge obvious.
A more sophisticated approach would involve an initial expansion to create a V or arc-shaped prow, instead 9f this instantaneous full-width aspect. Again, a limitation to the effect generator.
What I was wanting here is a representation of the cavitation in the water initially tossed aside from the bow, and which settles into a constant-width pattern a bit wider than the ship. I hated the V-shaped pattern of disturbed water because cavitation does NOT keep expanding like a wave. Cavitation is a physical phenomenon subject to friction, entrainment and turbulent intermixing. A wave is the propagation of energy.
I recently obtained the cleaned up Java for the latest BAT version of BigShipGeneric and incorporated my changes. I can't compile it because I don't yet have the rest of the necessary classes. If anyone can do this, I'll supply two versions, one having the original method retained for the bow wave. Both will have the longer times for generation of fire/smoke for destroyed ships' guns.
And for 4.12 and BAT up to 4.1.1, I'll shortly provide two versions of this class as well.