Really thank you for this update which adds so many things like Zeppelin aircraft carriers, the last time I saw a game with zeppelin aircraft carriers was Crimson Skies
I noticed that the vapor effect of aircraft carrier catapults is not present, the effect was present thanks to the "SAS Engine Mod" I have read the notes of the new pack 4.2 which now includes BAT EngineMod . I tested a workaround that seems to be working I haven't seen any BUG or Crash
For what wants to restore this effect I copied the "com" folders of the "! SAS_Engine_Mod" folder which is in the previous version 4.1.3, I modified the Catapults.ini file, I have modified or added the line "bSteamCatapult 1" for each aircraft carrier.
the file path:
DO NOT TAKE ACCOUNT OF THE "3do" FILE as mentioned below