Further investigation of the Zonk mod reveals further questionable changes to AI pilots.
There isn't that much that has actually changed, but the changes there are simply don't seem to make any sense.
For instance, almost all changes in the "Pilot" class happen in the "attackBombers" method.
The difference is: In Stock AI code, a rookie pilot would randomly attack a bomber from behind (shooting from tail to engine), in a shallow dive (shooting at engines) or just straight on.
An average Stock AI fighter jockey would attack bombers randomly in a shallow dive (shooting at engines), in boom&zoom mode (shooting at engines) or in boom&zoom mode (shooting at just anything there is). If the AI plane is equipped with large calibre weapons, the decision will be either boom&zoom mode (shooting at engines), rom behind (shooting from tail to engine) or in a shallow dive (shooting at engines) - the latter is the most probably attack in this case (3:1 vs. all others).
A veteran Stock AI fighter jockey would attack bombers randomly in boom&zoom mode (shooting at engines), from behind (shooting from tail to engine), from the side or in a shallow dive (shooting at engines) - the first and the latter have a 2:1 probability above the others. If the AI plane is equipped with large calibre weapons, the decision will be either in a shallow dive (shooting at engines), boom&zoom mode (shooting at engines) or in boom&zoom mode (shooting at just anything there is) - the latter is the most probably attack in this case (3:1 vs. all others).
An Ace fighter pilot has a really large decision scheme, you get the gist.
In Zonk mod, the AI pilot will attack from ahead, no matter which skill or whatever else. Why? What's the point?
This is completely unrealistic.
That being said, what has been shown in the video simply isn't what's happening in code - you will
not get what's been promised when you are using this mod.
It's simply bollocks, sorry to say.