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Author Topic: Bedford OXC and Queen Mary trailer. Second part of the recovery set build.  (Read 17229 times)

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Re: Bedford OXC and Queen Mary trailer. Second part of the recovery set build.
« Reply #12 on: December 29, 2021, 03:59:50 AM »

Top quality and meticulous research, as usual! A very Happy New Year Pete,


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Re: Bedford OXC and Queen Mary trailer. Second part of the recovery set build.
« Reply #13 on: December 29, 2021, 04:13:03 AM »

Hello guys, glad you like the work so far. 8)

Wishing both of you and your families and friends the very best for the coming New Year. ;)

Take care and be safe, Pete. ;D



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Re: Bedford OXC and Queen Mary trailer. Second part of the recovery set build.
« Reply #14 on: December 29, 2021, 10:23:27 AM »

Fantastic Pete! I also enjoy your reveals on this thread as you go through the process. I am sure many others do too.


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Re: Bedford OXC and Queen Mary trailer. Second part of the recovery set build.
« Reply #15 on: December 29, 2021, 01:10:57 PM »

Glad you like following my builds vonofterdingen. 8)

I used to read a lot of scale model magazines and enjoyed seeing the object come together through the pages, much more interesting I thought than just being presented with the finished build, I also used to write a few articles myself and so it continues now but in a different medium, hopefully these articles are both interesting and informative to you and others looking in. ;)

Take care and be safe.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Bedford OXC and Queen Mary trailer. Second part of the recovery set build.
« Reply #16 on: January 04, 2022, 12:45:13 PM »

Hello again guys, a little more for you to take a look at. ;)

Not entirely sure how to describe this particular item, it connects to the springs and also seems to be linked into the steering
from what I can see and is most likely some kind of hydraulic device helping take some of the strain from the arms connected
to the springs, any thoughts guys as usual I am at a loss, nothing new there I hear you say. :-[ :D

Anyway, like any artist I will do my best to replicate what I see in the photographs and try and bring it to life in 3d for you. :)

The object is on both sides of the chassis but with some slight differences for each, anyway, basically a box with rounded edges
attached to a cylinder:

The basic shape done:

The more I looked the box did not seem rounded enough so I turned it into something a little more to
my liking and cloned and mirrored it before attaching together:

There is a cover bolted on top, possibly covering two oil/fluid reservoirs, my usual construction method again came
into play for such complex shapes, the line tool:

It was hard to tell whether this was a single piece or two, my thoughts are it was pressed from a sheet of steel
to form the shape but for ease of construction I made it in two parts as you can see from the different colours:

All the bits ready for mapping, the small item and bolt are for what appears to be a fill level that can be seen
on the corner, it will be angled once mapping is done.  Some bolts have been borrowed from other builds and
will have their mapping transferred to a new position on the new texture:

Extracting the mapping using LithUnwrap, it is saved as a MD3 file first and then loaded and saved as a bitmap
that will be copied into the template:

The final painted item in place with the rest of the parts so far in the construction process:

Take care and be safe.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D

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Re: Bedford OXC and Queen Mary trailer. Second part of the recovery set build.
« Reply #17 on: January 05, 2022, 04:11:52 PM »

The shaft that´s coming down is the steering shaft and I do not think it is connected to the suspension at all. the roundpart at the end of the shaft is a gearbox to convert the ciculing motion from the sreeringwheel to a linear motion of the links to the wheels (if you can understand my explenation, don´t know their names in english)
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Re: Bedford OXC and Queen Mary trailer. Second part of the recovery set build.
« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2022, 04:24:39 AM »

Hello again Flying H, thank you very much for the information, really appreciated. 8)

I am not the best at describing what I see but the box I have just finished is connected on both sides
to the arm at the back that I built earlier with the rubber stop and to me that at least does appear
to all be connected to the springs but it is difficult to see back there so I assumed it also became part of
the steering.

I think I was confusing some of the arms in various images so I have taken another look following your post and I
now think I understand what you are saying.  ;)

Here we see the box I just made on the passenger side, still as of yet without that arm in Red attached that goes
to the rear, I have made the round bit but not yet added the arm, in Red, to the previous build in Yellow as of the
posting, this is where I was confusing things when looking at the driver side:

Same construction on the driver side, sorry for the earlier re-build image but it gives us a better look, this
to me looks the same as the other side, but there are pipes there that I do not know where they
actually attach, the Blue and Yellow denotes what I have already built, the Pink arm in this image
appears to have been dissconnected.

So then, am I right in thinking this arm above highlighted in Pink is what you say is connected to the steering
shown in these further images?

The box highlighted in Blue is what is done minus its arm going back to the other arm on the spring so
if I am grasping this properly I have yet to actually start anything for the steering.

Here the Blue is the still to be made arm going rear to the other arm and rubber stop, Black, the Green arrow
I believe is what you described:

Hopefully I now understand what is actually going where.  :o :D

Take care and be safe.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D

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Re: Bedford OXC and Queen Mary trailer. Second part of the recovery set build.
« Reply #19 on: January 06, 2022, 06:29:54 AM »

The pink "arm" I do belive is the damper for the suspension. I can´t zoom in on the pictures though, I only get to the Postimage upload page.
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Re: Bedford OXC and Queen Mary trailer. Second part of the recovery set build.
« Reply #20 on: January 06, 2022, 07:55:38 AM »

Hello Flying H, I also have difficulty with the images, I copied them from posted images so when I try and enlarge
it looses even more of the detail. :(

Anyway, please bear with me, I just did a few bits of cloning to try and illustrate what I think I am seeing
when I look at the different photographs. ;)

My box is a seperate item, what I considered was some kind of hydraulic apparatus, it bolts to the chassis
and connects via a arm to the rearmost arm that also connects to the chassis in front of the stopper, the
Blue piece is what I still need to complete to join this all together.

Now where I added a Burgundy coloured tube is the bit that comes from the steering column itself in the lower
photograph and in my image connects those two sand coloured interconnected arms that I added and will
ultimately join somewhere into the rear of the front wheel hub and hence steer those wheels.  The angle of
the photograph makes it look as though that arm bolts to the spring but it is actaully separate and attaches
to another arm, that what I considered to be disconnected in that image above of the earlier rough bodywork :

Not being a truck mechanic makes any explanation awkward for me but what I describe is two separate
assemblies, my box whatever it might be is part of the chassis and springs, what you were I think describing
are those two sand coloured arms I added for illustration, does that help?

The photographs are at various angles and the clarity being what it is makes it difficult to determine how it all
works but looking at what I showed of the underneath in a earlier post the clamps for the springs it can be seen
and the box appears to be all a part of that.

This is a image from a Bedford light vehicle, not exactly the same and seen from the passenger side, however, I
think it is clearer in illustrating what I had been trying to replicate when I posted up the WIP you replied to:

That is repeated the same on drivers side but as you can see without the clutter of the actual steering hopefully
shows where I am at so far, so, what exactly does that box do any idea please, is it hydraulic?  Does it contain
springs or something to take the forces of the springs?

Take care and be safe.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Bedford OXC and Queen Mary trailer. Second part of the recovery set build.
« Reply #21 on: January 06, 2022, 01:19:22 PM »

That blue short arm seems to be connecte to the spring via the vertical rod and at the other aen to a reciprocating (first time I´ve been able to use that word  ;)!) damper! The orange arms are connecting the steering gearbox to the steering arm on hte weelhub, I´d think. The box on the green chassie frame seems to have a similar pupouse but in a different casing.
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Re: Bedford OXC and Queen Mary trailer. Second part of the recovery set build.
« Reply #22 on: January 06, 2022, 02:22:17 PM »

Hello again Flying H, it is like a jigsaw puzzle to me, trying to understand just how it all attaches is
bad enough, understanding how it works is another. :o

Reading what you have just posted seems about right from what I can see, I trust to your knowledge of these things. ;)

Take a look at this link to the restoration of the Bedford MW, the last image I posted came from here so you can take
a look yourself at some of the images I collected both before and after its restoration.  While not exactly the same as
the OXC the family resemblance is obvious:


I managed to enlarge a section of one of the photographs I already showed, you mentioned it might
be attached to the spring earlier but to me it looked separate, see what you think:

If you look at the arm from the steering gearbox it is clearly curved outwards and to actually avoid
the cylinder in my box thing, it looks like it pushes it away from the spring and leaves it in the air where
it attaches to the arm that goes to the wheel hub but again it is still difficult to tell if that is so and again
still more difficult for me to know just how they all combine to work things.

Anyway, thank you very much for the help, it is always appreciated. 8)

I will build on as best I can, it might not be exact but hopefully near enough that the purist can forgive any
of my indiscretions and ommissions. :D

Take care and be safe.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Bedford OXC and Queen Mary trailer. Second part of the recovery set build.
« Reply #23 on: January 08, 2022, 03:33:31 PM »

I think your assumptions are right! The cylinder bhind that curved arm is in fact a spring damper, the arm attached to it is connected to the spring and inside the cylinder is the damper piston(s).
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