To Yaro 59
Dear colleague!
Mr. Morgała is a great authority for me - I must admit that I learned about Polish aviation from his books. The problem is that he stopped in his research a good 20 years ago. However, it still uses their results, although this knowledge has become a bit outdated. In the specific case of Żubr, it has not been possible to confirm in any way that the Luftwaffe used a functional aircraft. One of my friends contacted the museum in Schleissheim, asking directly for pictures of Polish machines. In response, he received information (in writing) that no Polish aircraft had been used in this school. Including for this reason, new studies by historians of the young generation (eg W. Mazur) even state that it is probably only a legend. Of course - in the conditions of war, confusion, something can always happen for which there is no evidence at the moment, and in a few years someone will find a "flight book" of a pilot with the Żubr airplane entered, but no such thing has been found today. Similarly, not a single photo of the Żubr plane with Luftwaffe markings has been found. For me, it is more convincing than the publications of Mr. Morgała, where some chapters were rewritten word for word from the author's older works.
I remain respectful
p.s. I think that the continuation of the discussion about Żubr will be better continued on priv.