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Author Topic: Configurable Increased Visibility Distance Mod for B.A.T.  (Read 11524 times)

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Re: Configurable Increased Visibility Distance Mod for B.A.T.
« Reply #48 on: December 13, 2024, 09:51:13 AM »

After upgrade to 4.3 mod crashes on 30% the loading of missions, worked in 4.2. After (-) disabling of the mod all ok. Sorry...

Works fine for me too.


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Re: Configurable Increased Visibility Distance Mod for B.A.T.
« Reply #49 on: December 13, 2024, 11:25:11 AM »

Reload and reinstall mod- work fine. Excuse me!


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Re: Configurable Increased Visibility Distance Mod for B.A.T.
« Reply #50 on: December 22, 2024, 11:02:03 AM »

I first offered a mod that contained four sets of values, which is superseded by this version which now offers you complete control of setting the individual values. Here are those four sets of values (plus stock) I previously supplied and which you might consider as starting points from which to further refine:

  STOCK: 5000, 4000, 10000, 16000

  Shortest: 10000, 8000, 15000, 20000
  2nd Shortest: 15000, 10000, 20000, 20000
  2nd Longest: 20000, 12000, 20000, 30000
  Longest: 30000, 15000, 30000, 30000

I find the "2nd Longest" to work well enough for me. In good part because the longest view distance for certain of my own effects is 20km. You can of course mix things up as you see fit. For instance, if you want only to see smokes at long distance, and keep to the stock limits otherwise, you could set the limits as, say, 20000, 4000, 10000, 16000.

Hi WxTech!

I'm still chehcking this mod with PC preformance and I need an explenation:

When you write:

"I first offered a mod that contained four sets of values...."

These values were: 5000, 4000, 10000, 16000

"....now offers you complete control of setting the individual values"

  Shortest: 10000, 8000, 15000, 20000
  2nd Shortest: 15000, 10000, 20000, 20000
  2nd Longest: 20000, 12000, 20000, 30000
  Longest: 30000, 15000, 30000, 30000

This mean that , for example smokes I can set a free ranging distance between 5000 and 30000 , for example 7500 or I have to set a distance between the minimum of 5000 and the maximum of 30000 choosing only a value among 4 of the set you provide us (10000 , 15000 , 20000 , 30000)?



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Re: Configurable Increased Visibility Distance Mod for B.A.T.
« Reply #51 on: December 22, 2024, 01:49:26 PM »

Between the permitted limits you can set any value, including a decimal number. If, for example a permitted range were to be 1km to 20km, you could write 1000, or 1000.1, or 1000.2....19999.3, or 19999.4....20000.
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Re: Configurable Increased Visibility Distance Mod for B.A.T.
« Reply #52 on: December 22, 2024, 02:12:32 PM »

Thanks WxTech for your reply!

I'll test different settings....I'll don't report about pure fps but in % of reduction between BAT 4.3 vanilla and my configuration with your great works and different levels of distances....


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Re: Configurable Increased Visibility Distance Mod for B.A.T.
« Reply #53 on: December 23, 2024, 02:49:56 PM »

Hi all...

I have done a bit of testing with The Black Death track....

I got some interesting results....the most important is that WITHOUT this mod BUT with WxTech effect pack v1.6 I got better framerates and average fps rate than with the vanilla BAT 4.3 , this mean that the work of WxTech is a great , if not the greatest one I can suggest to have better experience with a more fluid game and MOREOVER a better experience with effect that are almost like real!

About the testin of this mod I have always used 'The Black Death track and for each test specified the relative settings....the more CPU demanding and fram rate invasive are the effects and the objects while ships and plates apparemtly haven't generated a sensible fame rate drop....

I have choosed to give also my last tuning of the distances where with my rig (I5 K12600 and GTS 1060) I have a minimum fps of more than 40....

Here my results:

Code: [Select]
2024-12-22 22:20:17 - BAT 4.3 vanilla
Frames: 9260 - Time: 155688ms - Avg: 59.478 - Min: 39 - Max: 61

2024-12-22 22:24:32 - BAT 4.3 MODDED only effect pack 1.6
Frames: 9259 - Time: 155516ms - Avg: 59.537 - Min: 45 - Max: 61

2024-12-22 22:29:46 - BAT 4.3 MODDED long distance in km: 5 4 10 16
Frames: 9257 - Time: 155485ms - Avg: 59.536 - Min: 42 - Max: 61

2024-12-22 22:40:43 - BAT 4.3 MODDED long distance in km: 10 8 15 20
Frames: 9225 - Time: 155360ms - Avg: 59.378 - Min: 43 - Max: 61

2024-12-22 22:45:13 - BAT 4.3 MODDED long distance in km: 15 10 20 20
Frames: 9055 - Time: 155422ms - Avg: 58.261 - Min: 35 - Max: 61

2024-12-22 22:50:13 - BAT 4.3 MODDED long distance in km: 20 12 20 30
Frames: 7751 - Time: 155438ms - Avg: 49.866 - Min: 30 - Max: 61

2024-12-22 22:54:29 - BAT 4.3 MODDED long distance in km: 30 15 30 30
Frames: 5149 - Time: 155500ms - Avg: 33.113 - Min: 22 - Max: 55

2024-12-22 23:00:53 - BAT 4.3 MODDED long distance in km: 30 8 30 30
Frames: 5958 - Time: 153921ms - Avg: 38.708 - Min: 25 - Max: 55

2024-12-22 23:10:35 - BAT 4.3 MODDED long distance in km: 20 8 20 20
Frames: 8518 - Time: 155438ms - Avg: 54.800 - Min: 32 - Max: 61

2024-12-23 21:42:32 - BAT 4.3 MODDED long distance in km: 30 4 10 16
Frames: 6108 - Time: 155500ms - Avg: 39.280 - Min: 23 - Max: 54

2024-12-23 21:47:12 - BAT 4.3 MODDED long distance in km: 5 30 10 16
Frames: 5211 - Time: 155437ms - Avg: 33.525 - Min: 16 - Max: 61

2024-12-23 21:52:15 - BAT 4.3 MODDED long distance in km: 5 4 30 16
Frames: 9252 - Time: 155547ms - Avg: 59.480 - Min: 43 - Max: 61

2024-12-23 21:56:23 - BAT 4.3 MODDED long distance in km: 5 4 10 30
Frames: 9264 - Time: 155610ms - Avg: 59.533 - Min: 43 - Max: 61

2024-12-23 22:03:39 - BAT 4.3 MODDED long distance in km: 5 4 30 30
Frames: 9258 - Time: 155578ms - Avg: 59.507 - Min: 44 - Max: 61

2024-12-23 22:08:03 - BAT 4.3 MODDED long distance in km: 5 10 30 30
Frames: 9199 - Time: 155407ms - Avg: 59.193 - Min: 39 - Max: 61

2024-12-23 22:12:44 - BAT 4.3 MODDED long distance in km: 15 10 30 30
Frames: 9035 - Time: 155562ms - Avg: 58.080 - Min: 35 - Max: 61

2024-12-23 22:17:09 - BAT 4.3 MODDED long distance in km: 15 8 30 30
Frames: 9135 - Time: 155516ms - Avg: 58.740 - Min: 38 - Max: 61

2024-12-23 22:22:06 - BAT 4.3 MODDED long distance in km: 14 8 30 30
Frames: 9160 - Time: 155609ms - Avg: 58.865 - Min: 43 - Max: 61

A couple of consideration about effects:

1) Smokes are the most environmental extension effect due their great distance visual they give at the surrounding of the action a like real feelings....you can see where action was happeing or happened.

2) In distance the smokes from destroyed vehicles shown also the fires at their bottom....maybe these double effect could be a cause of the fps drop peformance....wondering if possible to split seeing distance between fire and smokes and set fires visibility distance lower than smokes.

These are my just 2 cents....

I finish with a HUGE THANKS to WxTech for his wondeful works and for the quality of his effect pack v1.6....and all his future works!


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Re: Configurable Increased Visibility Distance Mod for B.A.T.
« Reply #54 on: December 23, 2024, 05:55:25 PM »

I note that in your test run all frame rate maxima are at 61. I gather you must be locking to a set maximum. Perhaps it would be even more informative to let your system display at whatever frame rate is possible, for then the average values will be more meaningful.

I might add that I also have set a max frame rate, in my case at 63 fps, mostly so that Mike's smooth zoom mod does not exhibit as large a variance in the zoom speed.
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. - Hyman Rickover (but probably predating his use.)


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Re: Configurable Increased Visibility Distance Mod for B.A.T.
« Reply #55 on: December 23, 2024, 06:05:12 PM »

Objects, at least the 'legacy' ones from 1C, tend to have a fairly low max visibility distance for drawing set in their .mat files. If an object has, say, 5000m set here, supplying a longer visibility in World.class will increase the draw distance.

I have long felt that an examination of all objects should be undertaken in order to define an holistic scheme for their draw distances. In the main, draw distance should be scaled as the object size, with some departure permitted for more 'important' ones that serve as landmarks, etc.

For instance, such 'minor' things as outhouses and garden fences should be MUCH more visibility limited than houses. I mention these two examples because I altered those used in abundance on the Murmansk map, for the city of Murmansk. My frame rates on my older computer of years ago suffered mightily because of those annoying things.
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. - Hyman Rickover (but probably predating his use.)


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Re: Configurable Increased Visibility Distance Mod for B.A.T.
« Reply #56 on: December 24, 2024, 05:41:39 AM »

I note that in your test run all frame rate maxima are at 61. I gather you must be locking to a set maximum. Perhaps it would be even more informative to let your system display at whatever frame rate is possible, for then the average values will be more meaningful.

I might add that I also have set a max frame rate, in my case at 63 fps, mostly so that Mike's smooth zoom mod does not exhibit as large a variance in the zoom speed.

Yes I have set Vsync on to screen refresh rate...

Age ago I have read a post from Storebror telling that setting such limit allow for better overall performance avoiding use eccesive and unused rates by the screen itself...

This evening I'll try difference between the unlocked vanilla 4.3 and your mod installed at min and max distances....but I belive that the absolute and absolute average frame rate could be a misinterpretation of the real performance of the CPU/GAME relation because the real important value I'm always looking for is to rise the lowest frame rate to get the more fluid graphic...all over 60 fps is wasted by screeen and human frame rate capacity....


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Re: Configurable Increased Visibility Distance Mod for B.A.T.
« Reply #57 on: December 24, 2024, 05:48:11 AM »

Objects, at least the 'legacy' ones from 1C, tend to have a fairly low max visibility distance for drawing set in their .mat files. If an object has, say, 5000m set here, supplying a longer visibility in World.class will increase the draw distance.

I have long felt that an examination of all objects should be undertaken in order to define an holistic scheme for their draw distances. In the main, draw distance should be scaled as the object size, with some departure permitted for more 'important' ones that serve as landmarks, etc.

For instance, such 'minor' things as outhouses and garden fences should be MUCH more visibility limited than houses. I mention these two examples because I altered those used in abundance on the Murmansk map, for the city of Murmansk. My frame rates on my older computer of years ago suffered mightily because of those annoying things.

I agree completely....this is true to use longer visual distance for reference buildings such Chatedrals , Stadium or Castle/Towers/Chjimney/Industries and intermediate distance for normal buildings....and the almost near for chosmetics objects like fences and similars....

Maybe in the future , when the installation and optimization work 'll be done and final version a stable one , we can try to start such editing and , maybe , objects reorganization to help and speed up the object search too....


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Re: Configurable Increased Visibility Distance Mod for B.A.T.
« Reply #58 on: December 24, 2024, 09:56:36 AM »

I note that in your test run all frame rate maxima are at 61. I gather you must be locking to a set maximum. Perhaps it would be even more informative to let your system display at whatever frame rate is possible, for then the average values will be more meaningful.

I might add that I also have set a max frame rate, in my case at 63 fps, mostly so that Mike's smooth zoom mod does not exhibit as large a variance in the zoom speed.

Here my results with VSync OFF:

2024-12-24 17:22:20 - VSync OFF - BAT 4.3 vanilla
Frames: 21022 - Time: 155781ms - Avg: 134.946 - Min: 38 - Max: 263

2024-12-24 17:27:02 - VSync OFF - BAT 4.3 MODDED no long distance
Frames: 20806 - Time: 155453ms - Avg: 133.841 - Min: 45 - Max: 249

2024-12-24 17:32:33 - VSync OFF - BAT 4.3 MODDED long distance in km: 5 4 10 16
Frames: 20891 - Time: 155469ms - Avg: 134.374 - Min: 46 - Max: 255

2024-12-24 17:41:02 - VSync OFF - BAT 4.3 MODDED long distance in km: 30 15 30 30
Frames: 5373 - Time: 155516ms - Avg: 34.549 - Min: 22 - Max: 104

2024-12-24 17:46:16 - VSync OFF - BAT 4.3 MODDED long distance in km: 14 8 30 30 (my personal settings)
Frames: 14113 - Time: 155531ms - Avg: 90.741 - Min: 39 - Max: 166

As you can see there aren't substancial difference between VSync at 60fps and OFF in minimum value of FPS....I noticed that small variations happen due different factor like background programs and secondary explosions....but from my personal taste all what is around 40 fps is anyway good....


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Re: Configurable Increased Visibility Distance Mod for B.A.T.
« Reply #59 on: December 27, 2024, 08:35:22 AM »


Just tested in a DOF mission (Jasta 5 Campaign mission 1 that I'm editing to be compatible with my new WWI units upgrade)...here the results:

2024-12-27 15:32:35 - VSync ON @ 60 - BAT 4.3 MODDED long distance in km: 14 8 30 30 (mission Jasta 5_01)
Frames: 148307 - Time: 2474859ms - Avg: 59.925 - Min: 50 - Max: 61

Great visibility in a wondeful map , Nieuport spinng in evasive stalls with nice contrails at wingtips , great effect of planes crashing and exploding on the ground , smokes in distance give almost a total immersion!

I'm at the top of the heaven!
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