What ho, cyber-chums!
Back to it after an unplanned break from the brushes...
Having dithered and fretted about it, the nail varnish went on really quickly and nicely over a dark undercoat with the supplied bottletop brush, I'm pretty sure that by the time it's klear-coated, shaded and sprayed it'll be o.k. As so often with large-scale pieces, the biggest problem so far has been handling the figure whilst painting it.
Also happy with how the face is coming along (just two very dilute coats of Revell 'flesh' and an Army Painter 'light tone' wash - I was worried about 'flesh tone' coming up a bit too aged and masculine) - I'll take a little time on the make-up and that'll probably be it, my 'client' wants her wearing the mask, so that'll cover a multitude of sins...
Thanks for looking in - back soon with more flights of feline fancy