Well, cyber-chums...where to start?
The next step was fixing the right-angled bullet splash guards in place. "Hmmmmm...tricky the way they've done that" thinks I. "Still, nothing tweezers and the old superglue on a pin trick can't handle..."
My arse!
Why, oh why, oh farking why Airfix inflicted four strips of brass photo-etch upon me when the bloody things could have been moulded on in plastic is beyond me. I'm not the only one, I've since checked out other modellers' experiences. Totally sucked the joy out of my early start. It's going to do more harm than good ripping the things off. Just as well I've got those track links and some stowage to cover the offending items. Ironically, the nice exhaust grille - that fits beautifully in place - is surplus to requirements; my chosen option has a cowl fitted (Cromwell crews were prone to carbon monoxide poisoning while the engine was idling until the cowl diverted the exhaust fumes - it wasn't until after the Normandy landings that this problem came to light).
Calmed down and back on track now. Given my time again, I'd have followed my instincts and cut the splash guards out of any old thin plastic I had lying around. Ho-hum!
Fitting the rear mudguards was a little tricky, but it's coming together. Not long now until the turret assembly.
Thanks as always for dropping by - back soon with more foto-etch-free frolics