It's annoying to always have the fog density rigidly tied to the weather type. The game has an established trend whereby progressively worse weather has:
- More and deeper cumulus cloud.
- Denser fog.
- More disturbed sea state.
Nature doesn't always work that way. There can be inclement weather with calm air. And fog is generally disrupted by wind, it being far more common in still air or with a rather light wind.
It appears that the cumulus cloud and water states are inaccessible to us mortals, probably being controlled in a .dll.
But I see that fog would appear to be within our ability to control, via Mission.class and PlMission.class. In my own 4.12.2 game I had hard-coded an alteration to the fog density for a couple of weather types, making the fog denser for one and less dense for another. But in B.A.T. I'm unable to successfully work on Mission.class, it causing the game to hang when a mission is about to start.
I suppose I could test out the following on my still-present 4.12.2 game...
My idea is to introduce another [Weather] section parameter in a mission file, by which to specify which of the fog densities to apply. In this way, for example, one could establish the densest fog in Clear weather, or have little or no fog in Rain/snow weather. This parameter could be called FogDensity, or something like that.
If this parameter is missing in a mission file, the usual defaults would apply.