December 7, 2021 was the 80th anniversary of the Pearl Harbor Attack. I was going to share these skins on that day to commemorate this event, but work got in the way. Well, better late than never:
<<DOWNLOAD:>> skin pack contains 2 generic skins of the B5N2 Torpedo Bomber belonging to carriers Kaga and Soryu, around the time of Pearl Harbor.
These skins are meant to supplement Jaypack44's excellent B5N2 skin pack, where you can find elements for Akagi, Shokaku and Zuikaku's carrier attack groups:, I highly recommend getting the carriers Kaga and Soryu from western0221's IJN CV pack:,14377.msg152513.html#msg152513Check first to see if your game has them already. If not, GET THEM!
It may take some fiddling to get these ship mods working, but the results are worth it.
Complete your Kido Butai!
Details:Kaga's air groups had two red fuselage bands, and tail codes starting with "AII-". The tails were painted red-brown.
Soryu's air groups had one blue fuselage band, and tail codes starting with "BI-". Color profiles and paintings show brown mottling over green finish. The brown spots appear to be field-applied and probably varied wildly from plane to plane. Since this is a generic skin, I did a general impression
Historically the tail codes were painted red, but because of game limitation I had to use yellow.
Credits:I used Jaypack44's excellent B5N2 template to create these skins. Thank you Jaypack44.
Bon Vol,