However the mapping is problematic, the left side of the tail is mapped to another part of the Apache
Hello ZtheE Studios your template is coming along nicely.

The images below are some of the areas of the mapping for the 3d update I did.
Tail as I cut it up to reduce polygons and make it so it would detach as part of the damage model:

Keel, this was originally just the one side but I separated them so you could have port and starboard,
previously you could see lines on I think starboard but port did not even seem to resemble that but
I do not know how things had been flipped by the original author although judging by the texture that
model was intended to use both sides:

CF_D0 as it became after I cut things up:

Unfortunately the stabilizer is one part still mapped upper and under to the same place, however, I
am not sure exactly which it should be because when you unwrap these things the mapping appears
below the area the texture sits in and you have to place it yourself, it is so long ago now I cannot
remember which I mapped it to.
Maybe go for the upper:

The stub wings are done upper and lower, this is one side:

Engines, this is port, I think this is top so the bottom is again maybe on the same part as when I opened
up the mapping what is the lower face had no mapping in each case:

The green areas are internals, these were by necessity due to area available made much smaller than
the outer because they were only done to put the internal colour on, I did not think it necessary to
be able to add anything other such as panel lines.
Unfortunately when folks make these available to fly in IL-2 they do not actually always follow how the
original was put together they will have in many cases left the mapping where they find it when they cut
it up to fit, they are more concerned with making it available to us to use and cut it up as best they can
and in this case the time and effort taken to re-map certain areas would not have been considered worth
the effort as this aircraft was predominately using one colour anyway, at the time I did this I think only those
from Israel had adopted a camouflage pattern of any sort.
Hope that helps.

Take care and be safe.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.