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Author Topic: Bf-109G-6 NachJager  (Read 637 times)

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Bf-109G-6 NachJager
« on: March 24, 2022, 12:57:44 PM »

Hello friends
In 2012 Ass Eagle posted the following on the Lounge:

Title: adding the FuG 217J Neptun Radar to Me 109-G6/AS
« on: January 19, 2012, 10:10:40 PM »
Not sure if this is right place to post. Forgiveness if in error.
Question: How hard would it be, or if possible to add the FuG 217J Neptun Radar (nonfunctional of course) to
 the Me 109-G6/AS? Its simulate to Radar used on the BF110-G4 in DBW 1.6, but not 'antler' looking.
 Three antenna on lower front fuse, three antenna below each wing. I would really like to learn how to
 do this, or if somebody could do it. I have reference photo's. Many Thanks.

I got some images and information about this request. I hope Ass Eagle doesn't mind and the experts can analyze the possibilities.

The Bf-109G-6 version used as Nightfighter usually used the Rustsatz VI - R6 (with 2 MG151/20 cannons  underwings)

or Bf-109G-6/U4N (with 30 mm/1.18 in MK 108 Motorkanone engine cannon)

The radar system could be used on the FUG 217, as per the initial request, and as was done on the Fw-190A-6/R6
present in the game, BAT 4.2.1,

sometimes used the FuG350Z Naxos warning receiver radar.

Adding to the request, like `What if^, the Bf-109G-10, G-14, K-4, K-6 and K-14 could be added,
as they were equipped with the R6 and U4 (or equivalent). Many many thanks.
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