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Author Topic: Traegerflugzeug - A German fighter pilot campaign  (Read 1064 times)

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Dewoitine Mark XII

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Traegerflugzeug - A German fighter pilot campaign
« on: May 07, 2022, 08:06:15 AM »

I want to post several parts of one German campaign:

It's here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1jk4ot21a2xx9e1/Tragenfleugzeig.zip/file

It's here: [No link]

It's here: [No link]

This is a static "What if" campaign, telling about the everyday life of a fighter pilot. You are a fighter pilot of the German Navy (Krigsmarine). The air part of the German fleet is not too strong, but with the support of excellent models of equipment, the most powerful military equipment and communication with other troops, it is able to force the enemy to retreat.

You will have to fly many aircraft, such as several variations of the Bf-109 (D-1 and T-1), the brand new Fw-190D-13 T, the Fi-167A biplane, the captured Yak-9 and even the Me-262C-3 jet.

You will go through the entire war from the final exam on August 27, 1939 to the murderous destruction of the ranks of American B-17s in January 1945. You will take part in such battles as the Blitzkrieg of Poland, the battles for Tobruk, El Alamein, Tunisia, Egypt, Israel, Ethiopia and the rest of Africa, challenge the Russians in Crimea, Leningrad, Murmansk, Arkhangelsk and Vladivostok, and defend your homeland from the brazen Yankees.

And of course, all these battles will be changed to other orders. Although in the end everything will also come down to defeat, but it will happen in a completely different way. But how? You will learn this by going through this campaign.

Since I am working alone, I would be very pleased if you join the development of this campaign. If someone wants to help me, write about it in the comments. Then I will provide the necessary information.

Some lovely screen shots here:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Thanks for looking ;)
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Hans-Joachim Marseille

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Re: Tragerfleugzeig - A German fighter pilot campaign
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2022, 08:24:32 AM »

Thx.  In case you wanna improve this a bit I suggest to rename it to "Traegerflugzeug" instead. Dunno what "Tragenfleugzeig" is supposed to mean  o_O but sry sounds a bit like very bad German language trial by a five yo. Or maybe inspired by the movie "Top Secret". Herr Meier at least would not be amused. ;)
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Dewoitine Mark XII

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Re: Tragerfleugzeig - A German fighter pilot campaign
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2022, 08:40:47 AM »

Thanks Hans-Joachim Marseille! I will rename it soon.
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