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Author Topic: Tempest MkV campaign from Von and Lars  (Read 1758 times)

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Tempest MkV campaign from Von and Lars
« on: June 29, 2022, 03:43:11 PM »

Historical background by Lars
Following the success of the Hawker Typhoon fighter, which later became the RAF’s most used mid to late war fighter-bomber, research was started to find ways to improve the performance of the basic design. As the Typhoon was limited to 400mph before unstable characteristics prevailed, a new thinner wing along with the latest engine designs were tried out. These allowed for a better performance at speed and the eventual Napier Sabre II engine fitted to the Tempest V resulted in the best mid to low altitude fighter in the latter part of the war. The Sabre II has arguably been quoted as the best piston engine of World War Two, bar none.

Download here: https://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=3063

The Tempest I to IV were all equipped with different engines but none were ready before the end of the war, thus the V was the main equipment in the last year of the war. Eight squadrons went on to use it and it was so successful that post-war sixteen more squadrons were equipped as well.

Like all new types it had early teething problems such as a faulty undercarriage and poor roll rate, but these were quickly overcome. With a superb all-round cockpit view, smooth control response in all attitudes, and excellent acceleration in a dive, it soon proved an even match for the latest Luftwaffe opponents. It was the most effective counter to the V-1 Flying Bomb, shooting down 800, more than any other type. It was mainly used to attack ground targets with wing cannon, but still managed to down 240 confirmed air kills, including ten jets. That was a ratio of seven to one.

You will be flying with 3 Squadron, initially against V-1s then transfer to Belgium and Holland in Europe and finally Germany, tackling both air and ground targets. Note that Tempests never used rockets or bombs until after the war, so your main weapon will be the four wing cannon. Drop tanks will help you through the longer missions but if you receive a fuel leak from flak or enemy fighters it is sometimes best to break off and head for home but that is your choice. Is that extra potential kill worth gliding home for?

This campaign was written and tested using the SAS BAT Mod Pack, available here at the SAS website:
It may work on other modded systems but the campaign uses Command and Control objects and Triggers, so many mission features would be lost or unworkable.

Extract the TempestV.zip file to a temporary directory.
•   Copy the decompressed Missions folder to your IL-2 1946 root folder.
•   In the New Pilot Career page, choose RAF in the Air Force selection drop-down. Choose Tempest V in the Career drop-down.
•   We recommend turning off No Instant Success for this campaign.
•   The campaign is designed to be compatible with any rank selection.

Many thanks to the BAT team for developing, maintaining, and improving the BAT Modpack. This campaign uses Command and Control and Trigger functions that were recently added to BAT.
As in all of our campaigns, we make liberal use of Kurfurst’s mission templates, available at the Mission 4 Today site.



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Re: Tempest MkV campaign from Von and Lars
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2022, 06:12:25 PM »

G'day Bert and Ernie

Thanks for another campaign, an aircraft I don't think I've flown much if at all.
Appreciate your hard work, look forward to starting this one.

Go in quickly - Punch hard - Get out!

Peter Lynn

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Re: Tempest MkV campaign from Von and Lars
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2022, 07:21:07 PM »

Thank you gentlemen.Looking forward to flying this... :)


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Re: Tempest MkV campaign from Von and Lars
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2022, 04:45:34 AM »

Thanks guys. Not sure who is Bert and who is Ernie. lol.

We believe this is one of the best campaigns we have done so far. For the first time I received four promotions in my last test run! Plus four medals. A fun plane to fly, but take care in the dive as it can break up if you just  let it go. A good match for the latest Luftwaffe, even the slippery He162.



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Re: Tempest MkV campaign from Von and Lars
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2022, 05:26:10 AM »

Thank You!!!!
  I've been playing the BAT Dgen campaign for the Tempest V, and wishing that there was a real campaign for BAT.
My wish just came true, LOL.

Thanks again, and many blessings!
"When you have to kill a man, it costs nothing to be polite." Winston Churchill


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Re: Tempest MkV campaign from Von and Lars
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2022, 02:55:56 PM »

Thanks guys. The Tempest is a lot of fun to fly, and it is very fast. The V-2 site attack was a particularly fun mission to build and test.


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Re: Tempest MkV campaign from Von and Lars
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2022, 10:59:41 PM »

Thank You very much  ;D


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Re: Tempest MkV campaign from Von and Lars
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2022, 03:09:49 PM »

How do I report the downed pilot, over the radio ? In the first mission.
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