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Author Topic: TIGGER when an ground object is destroyed ?  (Read 635 times)

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TIGGER when an ground object is destroyed ?
« on: August 08, 2022, 04:23:04 AM »

hello all...


I thought I could use TRIGGERs to spawn something when a static ship was destroyed on a river...

So : I place a trigger so that if an AI object leaves the zone ( the ship being destroyed, I thought it would be seen as leaving the game, therefore the zone )

But NO JOY !

the ship is just sinking slightly in the river, but apparently is not seen as leaving the zone.
(I thought it would work with the zone being exactly at Zero altitude but it does not work..)  ]crybaby2[

Did anyone succeeded in triggering something when an object is destroyed ?  ):(

If yes, how did you do ?


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Re: TIGGER when an ground object is destroyed ?
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2022, 06:52:35 AM »

AFAIK, triggers can only be activated by aircraft either entering or leaving the trigger zone, so the answer would be no.


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Re: TIGGER when an ground object is destroyed ?
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2022, 08:06:31 AM »

I myself tried to activate huge smoke static effects when specific objects were destroyed to simulate the big column of smoke after a strategic bombing but could not succeed so I also think the answer would be no
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Re: TIGGER when an ground object is destroyed ?
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2022, 08:40:40 AM »

I can't speak to BAT regarding Triggers as I haven't tried them in BAT yet however I have used them to good effect in the HSFX version.

I had no problem getting smoke to appear as a target indicator for ground attack.  The aircraft enter the radius and the smoke appears.  The caveat here however is that it ONLY works offline and does not work online.  Generally speaking from what I've seen, static objects/triggers work only offline and online players won't see the static object appear.  Moving objects on the other hand do work both online and offline (e.g. when aircraft enter a certain trigger radius, a vehicle column will appear and start its journey or a flight of aircraft will appear at a designated spot etc).

Dapits issue may be that the Trigger radius only works 'horizontally' i.e. the ship moving along the water out of the trigger radius and not 'vertically' i.e. sinking into the water. 
What you could try is simply putting an aircraft to fly low through the same zone as the sinking ship and use that as your trigger and IIRC use another trigger zone to get rid of the aircraft.  Does that make sense?

Why don't you try combining the Trigger object with the Command and Control objects and see if you can find a way to get the effect you want.


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Re: TIGGER when an ground object is destroyed ?
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2022, 09:42:11 AM »

I myself tried to activate huge smoke static effects when specific objects were destroyed to simulate the big column of smoke after a strategic bombing but could not succeed so I also think the answer would be no

After my playing around in House.class of late it seems to me that there is no obvious limit to the number of Body types which can be created. Examples of existing ones are WoodMiddle, FuelSmall, RockBig, etc. Indeed, just the other day I created a completely new one, with its own dedicated effects, called Vehicle.

One could create another, called, say, Smoke. Or whatever. The associated object(s) could be made invisible even, basically requiring just a collision box for destruction to initiate the effect. It could be very easily destroyed, or made reasonably tough. The effects for it could be placed in a new folder, such as


Or existing effects could be re-purposed, such as Effects/Smokes/SmokeBoilingBig.eff or Effects/SmokesOld/SmokeShipEnormous.eff.

The code in Explosions.class could randomly select from among 2 or more effects, for a certain unpredictable variety.
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Re: TIGGER when an ground object is destroyed ?
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2022, 12:25:23 PM »


I just tried with an airplane destroyed and of course it works !
because the destroyed plane DOES vanish and THUS, exits the zone...

But it looks like the ground objects stay there with their damage model, so, as annoying as I find it,
I will have to live with it.

For the moment, I have no solution for this.  :(

(Not a catastrophy, having those TRIGGERS plus the C&C Stuffs is EXCELLENT !)

I am having a blast at calling arty strikes and using triggers to bring in Air Strikes and spawning ennemy units and infantry in vietnam
 Flying in the OV10 Bronco as a F.A.C.

(reminds me the book : "A Loneley Kind Of War", written by an FAC Bronco Pilot..., I loved that book)
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