So here's the result, it being the full map employing its own dedicated folder of textures. I include it here instead of creating a new thread, because it's not my project, really. If it's deemed worthy to add to the top post, or to replace the original d/l link, or just left here, it's all OK with me.
Do with it what you will!
Get it here: the included readme:
This is my second treatment of the HB_Pacific map, it being rather more involved than the first (released Aug 15, 2022). This includes ALL resources required for the map, and effectively fully replaces the original. The textures are all dedicated to this map, none being shared by other maps, so as to avoid inadvertent alterations to those common textures when used with other maps if a texture is altered. This means that a dedicated texture folder for this map has been created:
The other changes:
- As for the first release, replaced all instances of desert palm trees with Pacific palms.
- As for the first release, restored two missing plates at the corner of one of the parking aprons.
- Made the topography even more structured than the first time around.
- Made an adjusted set of forest textures, giving them a bit more varied color for a livelier appearance.
- Reduced the contrast of the forest ground texture, so that the terrain under the forest does not exhibit so great a range of lightness/darkness.
- Made a new ForestFar.tga based on the forest ground texture, and with a suitably low contrast and tone for good transitioning by viewing distance.
- Made a few additional brand new textures.
- Renamed all textures, including with preceding "HB_" prefixes for commonality, and put them in their own folder, as mentioned above.
- Combined previous multiple entries in load.ini, and cleared unused texture slots.
Note that there arose a couple of gaps in the shallows that have proved difficult to fix. They appear on the river and lake on the south island.
Add to all.ini, if you've not installed the original map already:
HB_PacificIslands HB_PacificIslands/load.ini
I include my altered Ground airfield plate textures and .mat files.
The stock textures are included also, renamed with a preceding "-" character. Those have a fairly light yellow-green hue. My altered ones have been made rather lighter still, and the color is almost entirely removed. The base.mat file has had the transparency value set to 0.25, or 25% (and the color made very slightly warmer in hue). The idea is this.
These airfield textures are used on many maps, and typically represent grass surfaces. Most times they are placed on green 'grass' textures underlying them. But sometimes they are used on decidedly brown, 'dirt' airfield textures underneath. It looks really weird to have grassy green strips/taxiways/parking aprons on top of brown dirt! The variety of underlying textures makes me realize that a more neutral hued, rather translucent set of textures makes more sense. For this gives the impression of a more beat down, trodden surface having a lighter tone. This does not clash nearly so badly because the strip/taxiway/apron has the underlying texture partly coming through; it looks more 'organic'.
If you have any other mod (such as my fixed objects) which includes the folder
You will have to ensure that this one here resides higher up in your mods listing in order to be read first.
If you don't like this texture treatment, simply delete the 3do folder included here.
Aug 20, 2022