Over time I have created a number of Quick Mission sets (QMB Missions) but have not made them public. I have decided to do that now. Generally speaking I do not use the QMB much; I prefer single missions and campaigns. Occasionally though I find it useful to create a QMB set for a new or otherwise interesting map, often to facilitate creating a campaign for that map.
Some of these are old, and I am retesting and fiddling with those. My experience with QMB missions is limited though, so criticism and suggestions for improvement are welcome. That being said, I do not want to turn this into a request thread. Building missions and campaigns is fun, as much fun as playing as far as I am concerned. Building QMB missions is not so much fun, for me at least. Though I am gladly sharing these I made them for myself and made them with a particular purpose in mind.
I will have a half dozen or so sets to post in the next week or so. Others may follow in the future.
All of these missions are built with BAT. Quick missions are fairly simplistic so they may well work with other mod packs. BAT has many objects though and you just might fly to an attack point and see not objects. That probably won’t happen, but it is possible unless you use BAT.
To install, download the zip file and unzip in your IL-2 main directory. That will load the \Missions\QuickQMBPro directory. If you know your way around IL-2 directories and want to unzip in a temporary directory to install yourself, you don’t even need to read this.
Thanks to the modders and thanks to the Map Makers!