An optional reduced terrain height texture map for Starfighter311's HB_PacificIslands map (available in this thread):,69335.0.htmlActually, I provide the original--renamed-- and a mid and low height version, meaning three variations, which you can switch between. Read below to see what's up.
Get the new terrain height maps here: the included readme file:
Here are two additional variations on the terrain height map (map_h.tga, as originally named):
map_high_h.tga (the original texture; highest heights)
map_mid_h.tga (moderate height reduction)
map_low_h.tga (greatest height reduction)
The low variant is probably too greatly reduced. The mid variant is a good compromise, and seems to greatly help with keeping AI from flying into hills. The high variant is the original, renamed so as to make clear its place in the scheme.
Place the three .tga images in
You can remove the original map_h.tga file, if you wish. Not critical, as it will now be ignored anyway.
The file
Change to load.ini.txt
contains the full contents of the [MAP] section in load.ini, which you will copy/replace. I've already set the mid height variant as active.
If you want to make a change to another height map, remove the "//" characters from its line and add "//" to the start of the currently active line to make it inactive. If you've already loaded this map, you can assess the difference by first loading a different map, then loading this one. (In other words, there's no need to re-start the game.)
If you wish to have two or more versions of this map always available without having to edit load.ini, you can create a new entry or entries in all.ini. And make separate load.ini files which utilize the desired height map. For example, in all.ini, just to illustrate the process:
HB_PacificIslands_high HB_PacificIslands/load_high.ini
HB_PacificIslands_low HB_PacificIslands/load_low.ini
And in MAPMODS\i18n\ (the second text string for each entry is what you see in the map list in the FMB, and you can write whatever you want):
HB_PacificIslands_high HB Pacific Islands (original terrain height)
HB_PacificIslands_low HB Pacific Islands (lowered terrain height)
Oct 11, 2022